2023 GIEC synthèse

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A propos du rapport de synthèse du GIEC – mars 2023


Afin d’évoquer en détail le travail de recherche de Sonya Djemni-Wagner sur son étude « droit(s) des générations futures » publiée à L’Institut des Etudes et de la Recherche sur le Droit et la Justice (IERDJ), notre invitée, aux multiples casquettes (magistrate, inspectrice générale de la justice, déléguée au développement stratégique de l’IERDJ, et autrice de l’étude), répond à l’articulation de ce(s) droit(s) avec les droits des générations présentes, mais aussi avec des droits phares de notre panel juridique et, dans un second temps, à son application concrète.
the biophysical limits of food production are being reached. Second, current food production systems are actively destroying the very resource base upon which they rely. Third, the majority of food production and all its storage and distribution is critically dependent upon fossil fuels, not only making the food supply vulnerable to price and supply instability, but also presenting an impossible choice between food security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fourth, climate change is already negatively impacting the food supply and will do so with increasing intensity as the Earth continues to warm and weather destabilises. Fifth, the trajectory of increasing food demand that cannot easily be reversed. Sixth, the prioritisation of economic efficiency and profit in world trade has undermined food sovereignty and the resilience of food production at multiple scales, making both production and distribution highly vulnerable to disruptive shocks. Considered individually, each one of the hard trends presents a
The collapse of modern societies has already begun. That is the conclusion of two years of research by the interdisciplinary team behind Breaking Together. How did it come to this? Because monetary systems caused us to harm each other and nature to such an extent it broke the foundations of our societies. So what can we do? This book describes people allowing the full pain of our predicament to liberate them into living more courageously and creatively.