Le rapport Meadows

OA - Liste

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Fin des années 60, le Club de Rome commande une étude sur la viabilité de la croissance économique. Cette étude sera publiée en 1972 sous le titre « The limits to growth » (« Les limites à la croissance » en français) ou « Rapport Meadows ».

Voici nos références avec le mot-clef « Meadows » :

Résultats pour:
Kurt Cobb


At the beginning of nearly every war including the current one in Ukraine, there are those who loudly declare that it will be over shortly and then business-as-usual can resume. They are rarely right. While no one can say for certain what the trajectory of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be, the economic warfare that is going on alongside it is very likely to destroy the current global trading system.


An astute journalist I know once described carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a “delay-and-fail strategy” devised by the fossil fuel industry. The industry’s ploy was utterly obvious to him: Promise to perfect and deploy CCS at some vague point in the future. By the time people catch on that CCS won’t work, the fossil fuel industry will have successfully extended the time it has operated without onerous regulation for another couple of decades.