Le rapport Meadows

OA - Liste

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Fin des années 60, le Club de Rome commande une étude sur la viabilité de la croissance économique. Cette étude sera publiée en 1972 sous le titre « The limits to growth » (« Les limites à la croissance » en français) ou « Rapport Meadows ».

Voici nos références avec le mot-clef « Meadows » :

Résultats pour:
David Brown


An analysis of satellite images by The New York Times rebuts claims by Russia that the killing of civilians in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, occurred after its soldiers had left the town. When images emerged over the weekend of the bodies of dead civilians lying on the streets of Bucha — some with their hands bound, some with gunshot wounds to the head — Russia’s Ministry of Defense denied responsibility. In a Telegram post on Sunday, the ministry suggested that the bodies had been recently placed on the streets after “all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha” around March 30.


China's carbon emissions are vast and growing, dwarfing those of other countries. Experts agree that without big reductions in China's emissions, the world cannot win the fight against climate change. While all countries face problems getting their emissions down, China is facing the biggest challenge.