Le rapport Meadows

OA - Liste

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Fin des années 60, le Club de Rome commande une étude sur la viabilité de la croissance économique. Cette étude sera publiée en 1972 sous le titre « The limits to growth » (« Les limites à la croissance » en français) ou « Rapport Meadows ».

Voici nos références avec le mot-clef « Meadows » :

Résultats pour:
Simon Tisdall


As the world remembers Hiroshima, it must also recommit to the increasingly fragile non-proliferation treaty. The alternative is unthinkable
He has weaponised food, energy and refugees, spreading economic and political pain across the continent. Sanctions don’t work, a land for peace deal would be a disaster. Only the military route remains
The Bank of England governor warned last week of ‘apocalyptic’ food price rises. Yet war in Ukraine, climate change and inflation are already taking their toll all over the world. Apocalypse is an alarming idea, commonly taken to denote catastrophic destruction foreshadowing the end of the world. But in the original Greek, apokálypsis means a revelation or an uncovering. One vernacular definition is “to take the lid off something”.
Only the boldest leadership can unite the EU against the delusional tyrant in Moscow. The German chancellor has the chance to provide it