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Des bananes « neutres en carbone » du Costa Rica vendues en Belgique, voilà la promesse que fait Chiquita, le géant de la banane, aux consommateurs belges. Limit a enquêté sur l’envers de cette nouvelle étiquette verte. Plantation de bananes Chiquita au Costa Rica. Crédit : historiek.net Le CO2 n’est pas le seul gaz à effet de …
L’initiative GreeenFacts est un projet à but non-lucratif avec un comité scientifique indépendant et une politique d’impartialité. Notre mission est de rendre accessible pour les non-spécialistes les rapports scientifiques complexes sur la santé et l’environnement. GreenFacts publie des résumés clairs et fidèles de rapports scientifiques portant sur des sujets de santé et d’environnement.
Face aux urgences pandémique, économique, sociale et écologique
L’initiative GreeenFacts est un projet à but non-lucratif avec un comité scientifique indépendant et une politique d’impartialité. Notre mission est de rendre accessible pour les non-spécialistes les rapports scientifiques complexes sur la santé et l’environnement. GreenFacts publie des résumés clairs et fidèles de rapports scientifiques portant sur des sujets de santé et d’environnement.


Metals will play a central role in successfully building Europe’s clean technology value chains and meeting the EU’s 2050 climate-neutrality goal. In the wake of supply disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s lack of resilience for its growing metals needs has become a strategic concern. This study evaluates how Europe can fulfil its goal of “achieving resource security” and “reducing strategic dependencies” for its energy transition metals, through a demand, supply, and sustainability assessment of the EU Green Deal and its resource needs . It concludes that Europe has a window of opportunity to lay the foundation for a higher level of strate- gic autonomy and sustainability for its strategic metals through optimised recycling, domestic value chain investment, and more active global sourcing. But firm action is needed soon to avoid bottlenecks for several materials that risk being in global short supply at the end of this decade.
Plug gaps to measure ozone-destroying chemicals and greenhouse gases and verify compliance with Paris and Montreal treaties.
Is it possible to enjoy both economic growth and environmental sustainability? This question is a matter of fierce political debate between green growth and post-growth advocates. Considering what is at stake, a careful assessment to determine whether the scientific foundations behind this decoupling hypothesis are robust or not is needed.
Freshwater availability is changing worldwide. Here we quantify 34 trends in terrestrial water storage observed by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites during 2002–2016 and categorize their drivers as natural interannual variability, unsustainable groundwater consumption, climate change or combinations thereof. Several of these trends had been lacking thorough investigation and attribution, including massive changes in northwestern China and the Okavango Delta. Others are consistent with climate model predictions. This observation-based assessment of how the world’s water landscape is responding to human impacts and climate variations provides a blueprint for evaluating and predicting emerging threats to water and food security. Analysis of 2002–2016 GRACE satellite observations of terrestrial water storage reveals substantial changes in freshwater resources globally, which are driven by natural and anthropogenic climate variability and human activities.
The centerpiece of the early anthropogenic hypothesis is the claim that humans took control of greenhouse-gas trends thousands of years ago because of emissions from early agriculture ( [32] and [33]). A common reaction to this claim is that too few people lived thousands of years ago to have had a major effect on either land use or greenhouse-gas concentrations.