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Les prix des énergies consommées par les ménages sont, comme le montre le graphique suivant, en recul depuis la fin 2022. Pour ce qui est de l’électricité, et plus encore du gaz, on peut même parler de chute des prix. Pour les carburants routiers le recul est moindre.
L'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD) et le Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) estiment que 87 % des aides publiques annuelles aux producteurs agricoles nuisent à l’horizon 2030
Human activities are threatening to push the Earth system beyond its planetary boundaries, risking catastrophic and irreversible global environmental change. Action is urgently needed, yet well-intentioned policies designed to reduce pressure on a single boundary can lead, through economic linkages, to aggravation of other pressures. In particular, the potential policy spillovers from an increase in the global carbon price onto other critical Earth system processes has received little attention to date. To this end, we explore the global environmental effects of pricing carbon, beyond its effect on carbon emissions. We find that the case for carbon pricing globally becomes even stronger in a multi-boundary world, since it can ameliorate many other planetary pressures. It does however exacerbate certain planetary pressures, largely by stimulating additional biofuel production. When carbon pricing is allied with a biofuel policy, however, it can alleviate all planetary pressures. In the light of nine Earth Syst