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Given today's challenges, we believe that every professional, journalist, student, citizen should have a simple access to critical data about the crisis we face. A data visualization tool made by The Shift Project, the carbon transition think tank.


Le rapport d'information ci-après, déposé en commission des finances, de l'économie générale et du contrôle budgétaire à l'Assemblée nationale, s'intéresse au financement de la transition énergétique « selon deux angles complémentaires : le développement du service public de la rénovation de l’habitat autour du
Energy return on investment (EROI) is a biophysical and ecological economics concept that is useful to think about how organisms, ecosystems and societies must obtain enough surplus energy returned from energy gathering activities to live, reproduce, and thrive. EROI can help us overcome the false dualism between nature and society. EROI is a useful metric for economics because it is based on immutable physical laws rather than sometimes arbitrary human preferences. It is essential for assessing useful power, energy trade-offs, efficiencies (and inefficiencies), resource depletion trends, resource quality, and surplus potentials of different fuels and technologies that power, or might power, our socio-economic systems. Apparent inconsistencies in the literature can generally be reduced or eliminated by paying careful attention and explicitly stating boundaries and definitions. We argue that proper use of EROI is critical to understand the interconnections among the environment, energy, and socio-economic deve
Dans le rapport ci-après publié le 25 avril dernier, Eurométaux (association européenne des producteurs de métaux) estime que l'Europe aura en particulier besoin, pour atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050, de 35 fois plus de lithium à l'horizon 2050 (près de 800 000 tonnes par an) qu'à l'heure actuelle, mais aussi de 2 fois plus de nickel (400 000 tonnes en 2050) ou encore de 35% de plus de cuivre (1,5 million de tonnes en 2050). Ledit rapport, rédigé par des chercheurs de l'Université belge KU Leuven, avertit ainsi que « l'Europe pourrait être confrontée à des problèmes de pénurie vers 2030 pour son approvisionnement en lithium, cobalt, nickel, terres rares et cuivre »(1). Les chercheurs associent à leur alerte une « bonne nouvelle » : 40 à 75% des besoins de métaux pourraient être couverts par le recyclage à l'horizon 2050 si l'Europe investit rapidement dans les infrastructures et relève entre autres ses taux de recyclage obligatoires.
The IEA examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supply and demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, access to energy, demand side management and much more. Through its work, the IEA advocates policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy in its 30 member countries, 8 association countries and beyond.
A novel methodology is developed to dynamically assess the energy and material investments required over time to achieve the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources in the electricity sector. The obtained results indicate that a fast transition achieving a 100% renewable electric system globally by 2060 consistent with the Green Growth narrative could decrease the EROI of the energy system from current ~12:1 to ~3:1 by the mid-century, stabilizing thereafter at ~5:1. These EROI levels are well below the thresholds identified in the literature required to sustain industrial complex societies. Moreover, this transition could drive a substantial re-materialization of the economy, exacerbating risk availability in the future for some minerals. Hence, the results obtained put into question the consistence and viability of the Green Growth narrative.
Analyse de la faisabilité technique et mise en perspective de l’ampleur et de la rapidité des mesures à mettre en place.