
OA - Liste

Alors que les stocks de combustible s’épuisent, la dissipation exubérante d’énergie liée aux économies fondées sur la croissance touche à sa fin. Quelles seront les répercussions politiques, économiques et sociales de cette nouvelle donne sur un système fondé sur une soif sans limites de ressources naturelles ?

Résultats pour:
Tim Gallagher


Allhoff-Cramer claims that the automaker is partly responsible for the impact of global heating on the farming industry and wants Volkswagen to stop making combustion engines by 2030. "Farmers are already being hit harder and faster by climate change than expected," says Allhoff-Cramer.


A new study has revealed the top five countries that would survive the collapse of global civilisation. New Zealand (already home to a wealth of billionaire preppers) takes the top spot, with the other five entrants being Iceland, Ireland, Australia and the UK.