
OA - Liste

Alors que les stocks de combustible s’épuisent, la dissipation exubérante d’énergie liée aux économies fondées sur la croissance touche à sa fin. Quelles seront les répercussions politiques, économiques et sociales de cette nouvelle donne sur un système fondé sur une soif sans limites de ressources naturelles ?

Résultats pour:
Joachim Heinrich


There is a growing body of evidence for serious health consequences of exposure to ambient air pollution. The general question of who is susceptible is one of the most important gaps in current knowledge regarding particulate matter (PM)-related health effects. Who is susceptible depends on the specific health endpoint being evaluated and the level and length of exposure. Here, we restrict the review on the impact of fine particle exposure on children's health to the following outcomes: infant death, lung function, respiratory symptoms and reproductive outcomes.