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Résultats pour:

novembre 2023

GIEC rapport - Changements climatique 2021 - rapport technique du 6ème rapport du GIEC du groupe 1 - en français

mars 2023

Since 1992, the IPCC has highlighted rising greenhouse gases, marking their ‘widespread and unprecedented’ impacts by 2014
Ce lundi, les experts climat de l’ONU dévoilent une synthèse des connaissances sur le changement climatique très axée sur les actions urgentes à prendre. Un accouchement dans la douleur qui a pris deux jours de plus que prévu.
Le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) a été créé en 1988 en vue de fournir des évaluations détaillées de l’état des connaissances scientifiques, techniques et socio-économiques sur les changements climatiques, leurs causes, leurs répercussions potentielles et les stratégies de parade.

avril 2022

Rapid decarbonization of energy is non-negotiable if we are to avert catastrophic global heating, says the latest UN climate report.

mars 2022

Environmentalists once saw abstraction as the biggest obstacle to climate action. How, they wondered, could one focus the public on the distant future? Today, we confront the opposite problem, with the very immediacy of the crisis generating a strange paralysis. When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that global heating made extreme flooding more common, its new report at the end of February spurred relatively little discussion – in part because of the water covering swathes of Queensland and New South Wales. As tinnies plucked desperate residents from the deluge, who could give due weight to the warning from Prof Brendan Mackey, one of the IPPC authors, that the science clearly projected “an increase of heavy rainfall events?”

février 2022

Rapports d’évaluation - Rapports spéciaux du GIEC - Rapports méthodologiques - Documents techniques - Glossary
Même si l’océan arctique devenait libre de glace durant l’été et induisait une absorption croissante de rayonnement solaire par l’océan, la banquise continuerait tout de même à se reformer durant l’hiver pendant un certain temps. Aussi, on ne s’attend pas à une disparition complète des glaces arctiques durant ce siècle, même dans le cas d’un réchauffement marqué (IPCC, 2021, J. Screen, 2021). Comment expliquer ce phénomène ?

août 2021

Australian scientists have challenged the latest UN-backed global warming report, saying it underestimated the likelihood major weather events driven by processes in the Pacific will become more extreme as the planet heats.
Climate change is a nightmare, and this summer’s floods, fires and extreme heat, from China to Siberia to British Columbia, are reminders that the problem is rapidly growing worse. Yet the striking thing about the IPCC report released earlier this month is not the bad news, which is not really news at all for those who have followed the science closely. It’s the clarity about possibilities, which I found hopeful.
As the world battles historic droughts, landscape-altering wildfires and deadly floods, a landmark report from global scientists says the window is rapidly closing to cut our reliance on fossil fuels and avoid catastrophic changes that would transform life as we know it. The state-of-the-science report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the world has rapidly warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels, and is now careening toward 1.5 degrees — a critical threshold that world leaders agreed warming should remain below to avoid worsening impacts.
The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.
Het Klimaatpanel van de Verenigde Naties (IPCC) heeft het eerste deel van zijn zesde evaluatierapport (Assessment Report 6 - Working Group 1: De wetenschappelijke basis van klimaatverandering) gepubliceerd. Dit rapport, waarvan de redactie in 2017-2018 opstartte, bundelt de meest recente en uitgebreide wetenschappelijke kennis over het klimaatsysteem en de klimaatverandering tot nu toe. Het vorige rapport van dit type dateert van 2013-2014.