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mai 2024

Unesco joint research dating back 15 years found violence and intimidation against about 750 reporters and 44 murders

avril 2024

Weak government climate policies violate fundamental human rights, the European court of human rights has ruled

mars 2024

Dr Sarah Benn has long been concerned about the climate crisis, diligently recycling until she was “blue in the face”. But the rise of the climate activist group Extinction Rebellion in 2019 inspired her and her husband to go further. “We thought: well, if we don’t do it then who else is going to?”

février 2024

Le débat sur les nouveaux OGM est biaisé par les lobbies qui défendent toute une série d’intérêts économiques. A la faveur de sa présidence européenne, la Belgique doit se positionner dans ce dossier en facilitant l’élaboration d’une politique européenne qui donne la priorité à l’équité, à l’autonomie des agriculteur.e.s, à la santé publique et à l’environnement.
Anthropogenic emissions drive global-scale warming yet the temperature increase relative to pre-industrial levels is uncertain. Using 300 years of ocean mixed-layer temperature records preserved in sclerosponge carbonate skeletons, we demonstrate that industrial-era warming began in the mid-1860s, more than 80 years earlier than instrumental sea surface temperature records. The Sr/Ca palaeothermometer was calibrated against ‘modern’ (post-1963) highly correlated (R2 = 0.91) instrumental records of global sea surface temperatures, with the pre-industrial defined by nearly constant (<±0.1 °C) temperatures from 1700 to the early 1860s. Increasing ocean and land-air temperatures overlap until the late twentieth century, when the land began warming at nearly twice the rate of the surface oceans. Hotter land temperatures, together with the earlier onset of industrial-era warming, indicate that global warming was already 1.7 ± 0.1 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2020. Our result is 0.5 °C higher than IPCC estim

janvier 2024

Last year I was fortunate enough to be joined by four remarkable women in the British environmental movement. We were speaking at a Deep Adaptation conference in Glastonbury. The way the discussion…

décembre 2023

Humanity faces ‘devastating domino effects’ including mass displacement and financial ruin as planet warms

novembre 2023

Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide data from Hawaiian volcano more than double last decade’s annual average
Finance needs of developing countries now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows Growing gap results from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages

octobre 2023

UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists

septembre 2023

Human activity has caused species groups to go extinct 35 times faster than they have over the past 500 years
Colombia was the deadliest country and a fifth of the 177 recorded killings took place in the Amazon rainforest, says Global Witness

août 2023

Link to climate activism is seven times stronger for anger than it is for hope, say Norwegian researchers

juillet 2023

Permafrost and glaciers in the high Arctic form an impermeable ‘cryospheric cap’ that traps a large reservoir of subsurface methane, preventing it from reaching the atmosphere. Cryospheric vulnerability to climate warming is making releases of this methane possible. On Svalbard, where air temperatures are rising more than two times faster than the average for the Arctic, glaciers are retreating and leaving behind exposed forefields that enable rapid methane escape. Here we document how methane-rich groundwater springs have formed in recently revealed forefields of 78 land-terminating glaciers across central Svalbard, bringing deep-seated methane gas to the surface. Waters collected from these springs during February–May of 2021 and 2022 are supersaturated with methane up to 600,000 times greater than atmospheric equilibration. Spatial sampling reveals a geological dependency on the extent of methane supersaturation, with isotopic evidence of a thermogenic source. We estimate annual methane emissions from prog
Simultaneous harvest failures across major crop-producing regions are a threat to global food security. Concurrent weather extremes driven by a strongly meandering jet stream could trigger such events, but so far this has not been quantified. Specifically, the ability of state-of-the art crop and climate models to adequately reproduce such high impact events is a crucial component for estimating risks to global food security. Here we find an increased likelihood of concurrent low yields during summers featuring meandering jets in observations and models. While climate models accurately simulate atmospheric patterns, associated surface weather anomalies and negative effects on crop responses are mostly underestimated in bias-adjusted simulations. Given the identified model biases, future assessments of regional and concurrent crop losses from meandering jet states remain highly uncertain. Our results suggest that model-blind spots for such high-impact but deeply-uncertain hazards have to be anticipated and acc

juin 2023

Emmanuel Macron’s government is at least doing the bare minimum to avert the planetary crisis – and putting the UK to shame, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis...
Hoe kunnen we, in het licht van toenemende droogte, overstromingen en de snelle bevolkingsgroei de toegang tot voldoende zuiver water garanderen? Wetenschappers Jim Saiers en Shimi Anisfeld denken na over de toekomst van ons water en geven oplossingen op korte en lange termijn.
Hoe kunnen we, in het licht van toenemende droogte, overstromingen en de snelle bevolkingsgroei de toegang tot voldoende zuiver water garanderen? Want ook vanuit de landbouw, de industrie en de energiesector is de vraag naar water groeiend. Professor Hydrologie Jim Saiers en hoofddocent en onderzoekswetenschapper Water en Milieuchemie Shimi Anisfeld van de Yale School of the Environment denken na over de toekomst van ons water en geven oplossingen op korte en lange termijn.

mai 2023

Going beyond climate disruption, the report by the Earth Commission group of scientists presents disturbing evidence that our planet faces growing crises of water availability, nutrient loading, ecosystem maintenance and aerosol pollution. These pose threats to the stability of life-support systems and worsen social equality.
Flash drought, characterized by unusually rapid drying, can have substantial impact on many socioeconomic sectors, particularly agriculture. However, potential changes to flash drought risk in a warming climate remain unknown. In this study, projected changes in flash drought frequency and cropland risk from flash drought are quantified using global climate model simulations. We find that flash drought occurrence is expected to increase globally among all scenarios, with the sharpest increases seen in scenarios with higher radiative forcing and greater fossil fuel usage. Flash drought risk over cropland is expected to increase globally, with the largest increases projected across North America (change in annual risk from 32% in 2015 to 49% in 2100) and Europe (32% to 53%) in the most extreme emissions scenario. Following low-end and medium scenarios compared to high-end scenarios indicates a notable reduction in annual flash drought risk over cropland. Flash droughts are projected to become more frequent unde
This report examines the economic and business models needed to address the impacts of the plastics economy.

avril 2023

The total concentration of greenhouse gases and other forcing agents, including cooling aerosols, reached 465 parts per million CO2 equivalents in 2020. This is around the peak level that the International Panel on Climate Change states 'should not be exceeded if — with a 67% likelihood and not allowing a temperature overshoot — the global temperature increase is to be limited to 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels'. When allowing for a temperature overshoot, the peak level could be exceeded in 2024. The peak concentrations corresponding to a temperature increase of 2oC by 2100 could be exceeded between 2027 and 2030.

mars 2023

Tiny plastic particles can travel worldwide, ending up in urban, rural, and remote areas. They take an even faster transport pathway than oceanic currents: the atmosphere.
Protecting and enhancing populations of key wildlife species across the world could significantly enhance natural carbon capture and storage and play a critical role mitigating climate change, according to new YSE-led research.
Global CO2 emissions for 2022 increased by 1.5% relative to 2021 (+7.9% and +2.0% relative to 2020 and 2019, respectively), reaching 36.1 GtCO2. These 2022 emissions consumed 13%–36% of the remaining carbon budget to limit warming to 1.5 °C, suggesting permissible emissions could be depleted within 2–7 years (67% likelihood).

février 2023

Beware of these three false solutions to climate change: carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), hydrogen and offsets.

janvier 2023

Humanity is now a ‘geological superpower’ and declaring a new epoch is critical to tackling its impact, scientists say

décembre 2022

Overall, however, the climate crisis is bleaker than it has ever been. In October, a slew of reports laid bare how close the planet had neared to irreversible climate breakdown, with one UN study stating there was “no credible pathway in place to 1.5C”, the internationally agreed limit for global heating, and that progress on cutting carbon emissions was “woefully inadequate”.

novembre 2022

Climate change is landing blow after blow upon humanity and the planet, an onslaught that will only intensify in the coming years even if the world begins to bring down greenhouse gas emissions. UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2022: Too Little, Too Slow – Climate adaptation failure puts world at risk finds that the world must urgently increase efforts to adapt to these impacts of climate change.

octobre 2022

A large majority of the UK public supports nonviolent direct action to protect the environment, according to an opinion poll. People also strongly backed solar power on farmland and opposed fracking. The poll indicates the unpopularity of a recent swathe of government policies, with more than twice as many people saying they trusted Labour to protect the environment as said they trusted the Conservatives.

septembre 2022

Campaigners say protesters arrested for blocking roads getting ‘lost in prison system’ while on remand. Speaking from inside the jail, he said: “The only good thing about my situation is that it seems to give an extra platform for my views. I spend most afternoons writing speeches and they have been read out all over the world – Italy, Sweden, Canada.”
A beauty company has appointed a director to represent nature on its board, giving the natural world a legal say in its business strategy. Faith In Nature, which sells soap and haircare products, as well as household cleaners and shampoo for dogs, says it is the first company in the world to give nature a formal vote on corporate decisions that might affect it

août 2022

As Nobel laureate Solow said to Congress when criticizingeconomicmodelsforfailingtoanticipatethe“GreatReces-sion,” “Every proposition has to pass a smell test: Does itreally make sense?” (2). The methods and conclusions inDietzetal.(1)donotmakesense. ...
Thames Head is now more than 2 miles downstream as forecasters warn of further high temperatures to come

juin 2022

Cancer affects the lives of many Europeans. Environmental and occupational exposure to air pollution, radon, UV radiation, chemical carcinogens, asbestos and other risks contributes significantly to the high burden of cancer in Europe. However, all environmental and occupational cancer risk factors are largely preventable. This web report provides a brief overview of the evidence on the environmental and occupational determinants of cancer in Europe and of EU policy responses.
An investor’s rant gives an insight into the City’s short-termist view of the environment crisis
Human activity is putting the Earth on a trajectory towards environmental collapse. The SDGs were adopted in2015 to reconcile human activity with planetary boundaries. So far, the SDGs have not lived up to their promise in European Union member states. Most EU countries have seen socioeconomic development alongside environmental degradation. Progress towards environmental sustainability only occurs in countries with slow or negative socioeconomic trends.

mai 2022

“Carbon Bombs” - Mapping key fossil fuel projects, a study by Kjell Kühne, from the School of Geography is referenced in a Guardian special report on climate breakdown
The world’s leading energy economist has warned against investing in large new oil and gas developments, which would have little impact on the current energy crisis and soaring fuel prices but spell devastation to the planet.
A liquified natural gas (LNG) crisis is brewing for European countries dealing with energy insecurity in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as demand will outstrip supply by the end of this year, Rystad Energy research shows. Although soaring demand has spurred the greatest rush of new LNG projects worldwide in more than a decade, construction timelines mean material relief is unlikely only after 2024. Global LNG demand is expected to hit 436 million tonnes in 2022, outpacing the available supply of just 410 million tonnes. A perfect winter storm may be forming for Europe as the continent seeks to limit Russian gas flows. The supply imbalance and high prices will set the scene for the most bullish environment for LNG projects in more than a decade, although supply from these projects will only arrive and provide relief from after 2024 The European Union’s REPowerEU plan has set an ambitious target to reduce dependence on Russian gas by 66% within this year – an aim that will clash with the EU’s goal of
Selon des recherches américaines publiées mercredi dans la revue scientifique Environmental Science & Technology, divers produits pour enfants - des vêtements aux housses de meubles et aux taies d'oreiller - contiennent des substances per- et polyfluoroalkylées (PFAS).

avril 2022

Rapid decarbonization of energy is non-negotiable if we are to avert catastrophic global heating, says the latest UN climate report.

mars 2022

Researchers from the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and their collaborators published a high-accuracy and high-resolution permafrost map over the Northern Hemisphere.
L’ONG Transport & Environment dénonce le recours aux biocarburants à base d’huiles végétales ou de céréales en Europe compte tenu de la menace qui pèse sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine.
Réduire les taxes sur les carburants pour soutenir les conducteurs face à l’envolée des prix causée par la guerre en Ukraine ? Cette mesure profite surtout aux plus riches, alerte une étude de l’ONG Transport & Environment publiée mardi 22 mars.
Following record-level declines in 2020, near-real-time data indicate that global CO2 emissions rebounded by 4.8% in 2021, reaching 34.9 GtCO2. These 2021 emissions consumed 8.7% of the remaining carbon budget for limiting anthropogenic warming to 1.5 °C, which if current trajectories continue, might be used up in 9.5 years at 67% likelihood.
Researchers have been able to cut their carbon footprint by jetting off to fewer international conferences, but physicists working on large-scale experiments may also have to consider the significant environmental impact of the computer power they require. Michael Allen investigates

février 2022

Only rarely does a book truly change the world. In the nineteenth century, such a book was Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. For the twentieth century, it was The Limits to Growth. Not only did this best-selling 1972 publication help spur the environmental movement, but it showed that the underlying dynamics of the modern industrial world are unsustainable on the timescale of a couple of human lifetimes. This was profoundly important information, and it was delivered credibly and clearly, so that every policy maker could understand it.
The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT is a think and do tank founded in 2020, based on its French equivalent the INR. Our aim is to bring together Belgian companies, organizations and individuals, and help them succeed their digital transition while reducing the environmental and social footprint of their IT services and usages. Thanks to the support of our members and of public authorities, we promote digital technologies and services that are more sustainable, inclusive and ethical.
Le port d'Anvers est le deuxième plus polluant d'Europe après celui de Rotterdam, écrit jeudi De Morgen sur base d'une nouvelle recherche menée par l'ONG Transport & Environment.

janvier 2022

Egypt’s Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad and Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation El-Sayed El-Kosayer met on Sunday to discuss preparations for the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 27), which Egypt will be hosting in Sharm El-Sheikh this year.
Wealthy companies are using the facade of ‘nature-based solutions’ to enact a great carbon land grab
De nouveaux travaux ont retracé l’entièreté du cycle de vie de l’iceberg A-68, l’un des plus grands jamais observés et dont les pérégrinations se sont déroulées de juillet 2017 à avril 2021. Les résultats ont récemment été publiés dans la revue scientifique Remote Sensing of Environment.
We submit that the safe operating space of the planetary boundary of novel entities is exceeded since annual production and releases are increasing at a pace that outstrips the global capacity for assessment and monitoring. The novel entities boundary in the planetary boundaries framework refers to entities that are novel in a geological sense and that could have large-scale impacts that threaten the integrity of Earth system processes. We review the scientific literature relevant to quantifying the boundary for novel entities and highlight plastic pollution as a particular aspect of high concern. An impact pathway from production of novel entities to impacts on Earth system processes is presented.
Over 25 million tonnes of CO2 – equivalent to the total CO2 emissions of Denmark¹ – are exempt from the EU’s proposed carbon price for shipping, a new Transport & Environment (T&E) study shows. Arbitrary exemptions of ships such as those servicing oil and gas facilities, as well as yachts, will undermine the EU’s shipping law and let millions of tonnes of emissions off the hook, says T&E.
Le glyphosate fait encore parler de lui. Le pesticide le plus utilisé dans le monde, et particulièrement en France, est au centre d’une nouvelle recherche. L’étude publiée mercredi dans la revue Environmental Science and Pollution Research et menée sur 6 848 personnes partout en France métropolitaine et à la Réunion est sans équivoque : la quasi-totalité des urines analysées sont contaminées au glyphosate.

décembre 2021

Des sommets aux profondeurs. Après les microplastiques découverts mardi sur le Pic du Midi, dans les Pyrénées, voilà ces minuscules particules détectées dans nos selles. Et particulièrement lorsque l’on est atteint de troubles intestinaux. Comme le révèle le Guardian, une étude publiée dans la revue Environmental Science & Technology montre que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin (MII) présentent 50% de microplastiques en plus dans leurs selles.
Hoewel synthetische brandstoffen worden aangeprezen om hun vermogen de levensduur van verbrandingsmotoren te verlengen, zijn ze even vervuilend als hun fossiele variant. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Transport & Environment (T&E).
Les tests effectués "montrent qu'une voiture roulant à l'e-fuel émet des niveaux de NOx toxiques aussi élevés que le carburant conventionnel E10, mais aussi beaucoup plus de monoxyde de carbone et d'ammoniac", explique Transport & Environment.

novembre 2021

Politician says droughts and climate-induced famine in the country are a result of the behaviours of rich nations
Les fonctionnaires technique et délégué de la Région wallonne ont donné leur feu vert à la construction d’une centrale biomasse au creux de la sablière de Mont-Saint-Guibert. C’est l’entreprise Green Belgian Environmental Solutions (GBES, une filiale de Veolia) qui pilote ce projet dont l’objectif est de couvrir 100% des besoins en énergie de l’UCLouvain (chauffage et électricité), avec une énergie considérée comme verte et renouvelable.
Several terms have been used to describe the negative mental health implications of environmental degradation, including ecological grief, solastalgia, climate and eco-anxiety. The American Psychological Association defines eco-anxiety as a “chronic fear of environmental doom”. Some psychiatrists describe this as an anticipated trauma or a “pre-traumatic stress disorder”.

octobre 2021

Technologies for the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere (direct air capture, or DAC for short) are already in use, but neither their actual benefits for climate protection nor their other environmental impact have yet to be investigated.
La colère risque de faire tache d’huile. Total avait connaissance des conséquences néfastes de ses activités pour le climat dès 1971 mais a entretenu le doute à la fin des années 1980 et cherché ensuite à contrecarrer les efforts pour limiter le recours à ces énergies fossiles, selon un article scientifique paru mercredi dans la revue Global Environmental Change. Christophe Bonneuil, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Pierre-Louis Choquet, sociologue à Sciences po, et Benjamin Franta, chercheur en histoire à l’université américaine de Stanford, ont étudié les archives du groupe pétrolier, devenu TotalEnergies, ainsi que des revues internes et des interviews.
Christophe Bonneuil, directeur de recherche au CNRS, Pierre-Louis Choquet, sociologue à Sciences po, et Benjamin Franta, chercheur en histoire à l'université américaine de Stanford, ont étudié les archives du groupe pétrolier, devenu TotalEnergies, ainsi que des revues internes et des interviews, selon cet article publié dans la revue Global Environmental Change.
A new study by Environmental Working Group scientists found almost 42,000 potential sources of toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS could be polluting surface water or drinking water in communities across the U.S. The scientists called for more testing and stricter PFAS regulations.
The enormous, unprecedented pain and turmoil caused by the climate crisis is often discussed alongside what can seem like surprisingly small temperature increases – 1.5C or 2C hotter than it was in the era just before the car replaced the horse and cart.
Si la planète se réchauffe d'un demi-degré de plus, ce sont 200 millions de citadins supplémentaires qui seront ainsi régulièrement affectés par des inondations et rendus plus vulnérables lors des tempêtes, ont-ils écrit dans la revue Environmental Research Letters.
Human rights council also appoints special rapporteur to monitor impact of climate crisis on rights

septembre 2021

Vingt aéroports sont responsables à eux seuls de 27% du total des émissions de gaz à effet de serre du secteur du transport aérien de passagers, les aéroports dont l’activité génère la plus grande pollution étant situés aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Asie, selon une analyse réalisée par les think tanks et ONG environnementales International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), ODI et Transport and Environment (T&E).
So far, all the preparation work we have done has been beating around the bush – not much that is substantial is happening yet. The homework has been done very well, but only on the issues that are not very substantive for this Cop, such as technical issues to do with the Paris agreement. We need to discuss now the issues which are most substantive: ambition, and climate finance.
The world’s coral reef cover has halved since the 1950s, ravaged by global heating, overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction, according to an analysis of thousands of reef surveys. From the 1,430-mile (2,300km) Great Barrier Reef in Australia to the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean, coral reefs and the diversity of fish species they support are in steep decline, a trend that is projected to continue as the planet continues to heat in the 21st century.
This article argues that resource and logistical constraints weighing on low-carbon energy and CO2 capture technologies are likely to pave the way for geo-engineering solutions such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which demand negligible land, material, and energy inputs. This “climate transition without carbon transition”, though technically feasible, is far from being that simple, raising a whole new set of environmental risks as well as geopolitical, institutional, and ethical issues.
President Biden's climate envoy John Kerry says that unless the world’s top 20 worst emitters do not take “bold action” to tackle the climate crisis, the global environment will reach a point of no return.
The study from the UN University, the academic and research arm of the UN, looks at 10 different disasters that occurred in 2020 and 2021, and finds that, even though they occurred in very different locations and do not initially appear to have much in common, they are, in fact, interconnected.
“Once you learn how damaged the world’s ecosystems are, it’s not really something you can unsee,” says Rachel Larrivee, 23, a sustainability consultant based in Boston. “To me, there’s no point in pursuing a career – or life for that matter – in any other area.”

août 2021

Climate risk, a growing focus for environment, social and governance-minded investors, has morphed into an urgent issue for insurers as wildfires ravage the U.S. and Europe and natural disasters destroy property and cost lives worldwide.
Across the world, resting places for the dearly departed are running out of space: and it’s spelling bad news for the environment. In many countries, splashing the cash to secure a traditional grave in commercial cemeteries and columbaria (urn storage buildings) can be something of a status symbol, not least because of the increasingly limited real estate available for grave sites.
The European Commission just released on Friday 16 July its new EU Forest Strategy. This Strategy supplements the Fit for 55 Package (published on 14 of July) and will contribute to achieve the EU’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 55% by 2030, as set out in the European legislation on Climate. This new ambitious strategy “recognises the central and multi-functional role of forests, and the contribution of foresters and the entire forest-based value chain for achieving by 2050 a sustainable and climate-neutral economy