Jean Jouzel OA - Liste « L’urgence est là, nous regardons ailleurs » ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s filtre:Stephanie Hegarty2023 ENAmazon drought: 'We've never seen anything like this' - Stephanie HegartyThis year's heat and drought in the Amazon intensify worries that it is approaching a tipping point. amazon,drought,basculement,sécheresse,Amazonie,focusclimat Afficher plus..
filtre:Stephanie Hegarty2023 ENAmazon drought: 'We've never seen anything like this' - Stephanie HegartyThis year's heat and drought in the Amazon intensify worries that it is approaching a tipping point. amazon,drought,basculement,sécheresse,Amazonie,focusclimat
2023 ENAmazon drought: 'We've never seen anything like this' - Stephanie HegartyThis year's heat and drought in the Amazon intensify worries that it is approaching a tipping point. amazon,drought,basculement,sécheresse,Amazonie,focusclimat