Jean-Marc Jancovici OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2022 ENCanadian researcher on why you should care about the Thwaites Glacier | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis - Cloe LoganOver the weekend, physical climate scientist David Holland made it to his research base on the Thwaites Glacier — a vast, unstable and vital ice formation in Southern Antarctica that researchers have scrambled to understand. care,glacier,canada,national,news,climate,david,research,base,vital,formation,Thwaites focusclimat Afficher plus..
2022 ENCanadian researcher on why you should care about the Thwaites Glacier | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis - Cloe LoganOver the weekend, physical climate scientist David Holland made it to his research base on the Thwaites Glacier — a vast, unstable and vital ice formation in Southern Antarctica that researchers have scrambled to understand. care,glacier,canada,national,news,climate,david,research,base,vital,formation,Thwaites focusclimat
2022 ENCanadian researcher on why you should care about the Thwaites Glacier | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis - Cloe LoganOver the weekend, physical climate scientist David Holland made it to his research base on the Thwaites Glacier — a vast, unstable and vital ice formation in Southern Antarctica that researchers have scrambled to understand. care,glacier,canada,national,news,climate,david,research,base,vital,formation,Thwaites focusclimat