Jean-Marc Jancovici OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2021 ENClimate change risk assessment summary - collectifThe world is dangerously off track to meet the Paris Agreement goals. The risks are compounding. Without immediate action the impacts will be devastating in the coming decades. 2021,climate,change,risk,world,paris,agreement,action,impacts,focusclimat,cop26,yfc,cnr Afficher plus..
2021 ENClimate change risk assessment summary - collectifThe world is dangerously off track to meet the Paris Agreement goals. The risks are compounding. Without immediate action the impacts will be devastating in the coming decades. 2021,climate,change,risk,world,paris,agreement,action,impacts,focusclimat,cop26,yfc,cnr
2021 ENClimate change risk assessment summary - collectifThe world is dangerously off track to meet the Paris Agreement goals. The risks are compounding. Without immediate action the impacts will be devastating in the coming decades. 2021,climate,change,risk,world,paris,agreement,action,impacts,focusclimat,cop26,yfc,cnr