Jean-Marc Jancovici OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2020 ENThe Climate Crisis Will Cause Once-Dormant Viruses to Reemerge - Jamie SaraoThe climate crisis is causing ancient permafrost to thaw, which could unleash viruses and bacteria that have been dormant for thousands of years, presenting a potentially catastrophic risk to humans and ecosystems alike. climate,crisis,cause,permafrost,risk,health,focusclimat,bacteria,virus,pergélisol Afficher plus..
2020 ENThe Climate Crisis Will Cause Once-Dormant Viruses to Reemerge - Jamie SaraoThe climate crisis is causing ancient permafrost to thaw, which could unleash viruses and bacteria that have been dormant for thousands of years, presenting a potentially catastrophic risk to humans and ecosystems alike. climate,crisis,cause,permafrost,risk,health,focusclimat,bacteria,virus,pergélisol
2020 ENThe Climate Crisis Will Cause Once-Dormant Viruses to Reemerge - Jamie SaraoThe climate crisis is causing ancient permafrost to thaw, which could unleash viruses and bacteria that have been dormant for thousands of years, presenting a potentially catastrophic risk to humans and ecosystems alike. climate,crisis,cause,permafrost,risk,health,focusclimat,bacteria,virus,pergélisol