Jean-Marc Jancovici OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2023 ENCattle, not coca, drive deforestation of the Amazon in Colombia - Luke TaylorPast governments blamed the growing of coca – the base component of cocaine – for clearcutting, but a recent study shows otherwise deforestation,amazon,élevage,alimentation,bétail,cattle,forêts Afficher plus..
2023 ENCattle, not coca, drive deforestation of the Amazon in Colombia - Luke TaylorPast governments blamed the growing of coca – the base component of cocaine – for clearcutting, but a recent study shows otherwise deforestation,amazon,élevage,alimentation,bétail,cattle,forêts
2023 ENCattle, not coca, drive deforestation of the Amazon in Colombia - Luke TaylorPast governments blamed the growing of coca – the base component of cocaine – for clearcutting, but a recent study shows otherwise deforestation,amazon,élevage,alimentation,bétail,cattle,forêts