Jean-Marc Jancovici OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2019 ENIts a crisis, not a change: the six Guardian language changes on climate matters Environment - Sophie Zeldin-O Neill,A short glossary of the changes we’ve made to the Guardian’s style guide, for use by our journalists and editors when writing about the environment change,changes,climate,focusclimat,crisis,environment,language Afficher plus..
2019 ENIts a crisis, not a change: the six Guardian language changes on climate matters Environment - Sophie Zeldin-O Neill,A short glossary of the changes we’ve made to the Guardian’s style guide, for use by our journalists and editors when writing about the environment change,changes,climate,focusclimat,crisis,environment,language
2019 ENIts a crisis, not a change: the six Guardian language changes on climate matters Environment - Sophie Zeldin-O Neill,A short glossary of the changes we’ve made to the Guardian’s style guide, for use by our journalists and editors when writing about the environment change,changes,climate,focusclimat,crisis,environment,language