L’Anthropocène OA - Liste ➔ 2022 ENNuclear Power Plants Are Struggling to Stay Cool - Gregory BarberClimate change is reducing output and raising safety concerns at nuclear facilities from France to the US. But experts say adapting is possible—and necessary. Afficher plus.. Voici le lien vers cette page Paul Crutzen Nathanaël Wallenhorst Le Clou Le Lac Crawford
2022 ENNuclear Power Plants Are Struggling to Stay Cool - Gregory BarberClimate change is reducing output and raising safety concerns at nuclear facilities from France to the US. But experts say adapting is possible—and necessary.
2022 ENNuclear Power Plants Are Struggling to Stay Cool - Gregory BarberClimate change is reducing output and raising safety concerns at nuclear facilities from France to the US. But experts say adapting is possible—and necessary.