Laurent Testot OA - Liste ➔ vers Sélection d’auteur(e)s 2021 ENFood Prices Soar, Compounding Woes of World’s Poor - Saeed Shah,Luciana Magalhaes,Nicholas BariyoA surge in food prices is deepening the pain caused by Covid-19 across the developing world, forcing millions into hunger and contributing to social problems that could lead to more political unrest and migration. Afficher plus.. Voici le lien vers cette page Présélections : Livres Vidéos
2021 ENFood Prices Soar, Compounding Woes of World’s Poor - Saeed Shah,Luciana Magalhaes,Nicholas BariyoA surge in food prices is deepening the pain caused by Covid-19 across the developing world, forcing millions into hunger and contributing to social problems that could lead to more political unrest and migration.
2021 ENFood Prices Soar, Compounding Woes of World’s Poor - Saeed Shah,Luciana Magalhaes,Nicholas BariyoA surge in food prices is deepening the pain caused by Covid-19 across the developing world, forcing millions into hunger and contributing to social problems that could lead to more political unrest and migration.