Le rapport Meadows

OA - Liste

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Fin des années 60, le Club de Rome commande une étude sur la viabilité de la croissance économique. Cette étude sera publiée en 1972 sous le titre « The limits to growth » (« Les limites à la croissance » en français) ou « Rapport Meadows ».

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To prevent crop damage, over the last 30 years farmers have increased the altitude at which they plant potatoes by more than 1,000 metres, said Mamani. The curator of the CIP germplasm bank, Rene Gómez, predicts that at this rate of prolonged drought and high temperatures for much of the year, followed by severe frost and plunging temperatures that freeze up the fields, potatoes are “absolutely at risk” in Peru’s highlands. “I estimate that in 40 years there will be nowhere left to plant potatoes [in Peru’s highlands],” ...

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