Le Réveilleur

OA - Liste

Rodolphe Meyer


Record-breaking temperatures were recorded across the globe in 2023. Without climate action, adverse climate-related health impacts are expected to worsen worldwide, affecting billions of people. Temperatures in Europe are warming at twice the rate of the global average, threatening the health of populations across the continent and leading to unnecessary loss of life. The Lancet Countdown in Europe was established in 2021, to assess the health profile of climate change aiming to stimulate European social and political will to implement rapid health-responsive climate mitigation and adaptation actions. In 2022, the collaboration published its indicator report, tracking progress on health and climate change via 33 indicators and across five domains.
Elk jaar sterven meer dan een miljoen mensen door een kortdurende blootstelling aan luchtvervuiling, zegt onderzoek in het medisch tijdschrift The Lancet. Minstens twee derde van die overlijdens zijn te betreuren in Azië.


Scientists have raised concerns about whether high-income countries, with their high per-capita CO2 emissions, can decarbonise fast enough to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement if they continue to pursue aggregate economic growth. Over the past decade, some countries have reduced their CO2 emissions while increasing their gross domestic product (absolute decoupling). Politicians and media have hailed this as green growth. In this empirical study, we aimed to assess whether these achievements are consistent with the Paris Agreement, and whether Paris-compliant decoupling is within reach.
Welvarende landen slagen er niet in om economische groei in evenwicht te brengen met de internationale klimaatdoelstellingen. Spreken over ‘groene groei’ is misleidend, stelt een nieuwe studie in The Lancet, omdat deze landen er niet in slagen om hun emissies voldoende terug te dringen.
Background Scientists have raised concerns about whether high-income countries, with their high per-capita CO2 emissions, can decarbonise fast enough to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement if they continue to pursue aggregate economic growth. Over the past decade, some countries have reduced their CO2 emissions while increasing their gross domestic product (absolute decoupling). Politicians and media have hailed this as green growth. In this empirical study, we aimed to assess whether these achievements are consistent with the Paris Agreement, and whether Paris-compliant decoupling is within reach.
Heat and cold are now established health risk factors, with several studies reporting important mortality effects in populations around the world.1, 2, 3 The associated health burden is expected to increase with climate change, especially under the most extreme scenarios of global warming.4, 5 However, robust estimates of excess mortality in the current and future periods are still challenging to obtain due to the numerous factors influencing vulnerability to heat and cold, including climatic, environmental, and socioeconomic conditions.6 These factors represent the main drivers of variation in mortality risks, which have been shown to differ geographically and across age groups.
Ruim 4 procent alle de sterfgevallen in Europese steden tijdens de zomermaanden is te wijten aan het “hitte-eiland-effect”, blijkt uit een nieuw onderzoek in The Lancet. Extra bomen in de stad zouden bijna een derde van die sterfgevallen kunnen vermijden.


Onze verslaving aan fossiele brandstoffen vormt “een toenemende bedreiging voor de gezondheid en het voortbestaan van alle mensen die vandaag leven”. Dat stelt een nieuw rapport van het gezaghebbende medische tijdschrift The Lancet.
Ongeboren baby's krijgen al in het eerste trimester van de zwangerschap luchtvervuiling in hun longen en andere vitale organen, zo blijkt uit Vlaams-Brits onderzoek in The Lancet.
Vervuiling was in 2019 wereldwijd verantwoordelijk voor negen miljoen overlijdens, schat nieuw onderzoek in The Lancet. Dat cijfer is al sinds 2015 nagenoeg even hoog, maar chemische vervuiling wordt belangrijker.


Climate change has important implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to climate anxiety. This is the first large-scale investigation of climate anxiety in children and young people globally and its relationship with perceived government response.
The UN General Assembly in September, 2021, will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis.


Le rapport 2019 du Compte à rebours du Lancet (Lancet Countdown en anglais) sur la santé et le changement climatique, publié la semaine dernière, présente les conclusions et le consensus atteints par 35 établissements universitaires de premier plan et agences de l’ONU, en vue de s’assurer que la santé d’un enfant né aujourd’hui ne soit pas définie par le changement climatique.

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