Musk & Trump

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Parmi les risques systémiques d’effondrement, la folie des hommes. Les politiques initiées par Donald Trump et Elon Musk déstabilisent la géopolitique mondiale, sapent la démocratie américaine et mondiale, accroissent les risques climatiques, fragilisent les équilibres des régions sensibles et engagent le Monde dans une période chaotique et périlleuse. Voici une sélection de références abordant une partie de leurs prises de positions et actions :

Résultats pour:
Oliver Milman


As the world’s largest gathering of Earth and space scientists swarmed a Washington venue last week, the packed halls have been permeated by an air of anxiety and even dread over a new Donald Trump presidency that might worsen what has been a bruising few years for science.
Warning after intensification of storm aided by unusually hot ocean waters in much of Beryl’s path. Hurricane Beryl, which slammed into Texas on Monday after wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, was supercharged by “absolutely crazy” ocean temperatures that are likely to fuel further violent storms in the coming months, scientists have warned.
The economic damage wrought by climate change is six times worse than previously thought, with global heating set to shrink wealth at a rate consistent with the level of financial losses of a continuing permanent war, research has found. A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product (GDP), the researchers found, a far higher estimate than that of previous analyses.
World’s fossil-fuel producers on track to nearly quadruple output from newly approved projects by decade’s end, report finds
James Hansen says limit will be passed ‘for all practical purposes’ by May though other experts predict that will happen in 2030s


Extreme weather is ‘smacking us in the face’ with worse to come, but a ‘tiny window’ of hope remains, say leading climate scientists
Selon James Hansen – le scientifique des Etats-Unis qui a alerté le monde sur l’effet de serre dans les années 1980 – le monde est en train de basculer vers un climat surchauffé jamais vu l’existence de l’homme, parce que «nous sommes de sacrés imbéciles» pour ne pas avoir réagi aux avertissements concernant la crise climatique.
le scientifique qui a tiré la sonnette d’alarme sur le climat dans les années 80 annonce le pire pour l’avenir. James Hansen, qui a témoigné devant le Congrès sur le réchauffement de la planète en 1988, affirme que le monde s’approche d’une « nouvelle limite climatique ».
James Hansen, who testified to Congress on global heating in 1988, says world is approaching a ‘new climate frontier’
Several US states say news that Exxon scientists predicted global heating accurately strengthens their lawsuits against company