Page de l’Observatoire de l’Anthropocène dédiée :
au groupe No Collapswashing sur FaceBook
à l’hashtag #nocollapswashing sur Mastodon
Le collapswashing, succédant au greenwashing, désigne non seulement la dissimulation des destructions environnementales mais dénonce également ceux qui font croire qu’ils préviennent les risques de déclin ou d’effondrement, alors qu’ils ne font que dissimuler ce qui décline ou s’effondre. Source : Vincent Mignerot
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Adam Greenfield
09 mars 2025
Adam Greenfield author of Lifehouse, Taking Care of Ourselves in a World on Fire. A Lifehouse is an institution at the heart of each neighborhood that responds to the terrifying reality of climate collapse in our own communities.In this book Adam Greenfield, recovers lessons from the Black Panther survival programs, the astonishingly effective Occupy Sandy disaster-relief effort and the solidarity networks of crisis-era Greece, as well as municipalist Spain and autonomous Rojava, to show how practices of mutual care and local power can help shelter us from a future that often feels like it has no place for us...
In this book Adam Greenfield, author of Radical Technologies, recovers lessons from the Black Panther survival programs, the astonishingly effective Occupy Sandy disaster-relief effort and the solidarity networks of crisis-era Greece, as well as municipalist Spain and autonomous Rojava, to show how practices of mutual care and local power can help shelter us from a future that often feels like it has no place for us or the values we cherish.