No collapswashing

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Page de l’Observatoire de l’Anthropocène dédiée :
au groupe No Collapswashing sur FaceBook
à l’hashtag #nocollapswashing sur Mastodon

Le collapswashing, succédant au greenwashing, désigne non seulement la dissimulation des destructions environnementales mais dénonce également ceux qui font croire qu’ils préviennent les risques de déclin ou d’effondrement, alors qu’ils ne font que dissimuler ce qui décline ou s’effondre. Source : Vincent Mignerot

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Ana K.

25 octobre 2023

This volume addresses political action in Anthropocene and tension between the Promethean project of modernity and post-Promethean approach.

07 octobre 2023

This Handbook explains the complexity of the concept of the Anthropocene, scientific and a political concept and also an ideological concept.

28 décembre 2021

Une importante fuite de tritium a été mesurée dans les eaux souterraines de l’unité de production d’électricité de Tricastin dans la Drôme. EDF et l’autorité de sûreté nucléaire assurent que la fuite est circonscrite. Cependant les liquides contaminés se retrouvent fatalement dans l’environnement.

15 octobre 2021

03 avril 2021

This paper analyses how recent trends in heat waves impact heat warning systems. We performed a retrospective analysis of the challenges faced by the French heat prevention plan since 2004. We described trends based on the environmental and health data collected each summer by the French heat warning system and prevention plan. Major evolutions of the system were tracked based on the evaluations organized each autumn with the stakeholders of the prevention plan.

16 mai 2018

Freshwater availability is changing worldwide. Here we quantify 34 trends in terrestrial water storage observed by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites during 2002–2016 and categorize their drivers as natural interannual variability, unsustainable groundwater consumption, climate change or combinations thereof. Several of these trends had been lacking thorough investigation and attribution, including massive changes in northwestern China and the Okavango Delta. Others are consistent with climate model predictions. This observation-based assessment of how the world’s water landscape is responding to human impacts and climate variations provides a blueprint for evaluating and predicting emerging threats to water and food security. Analysis of 2002–2016 GRACE satellite observations of terrestrial water storage reveals substantial changes in freshwater resources globally, which are driven by natural and anthropogenic climate variability and human activities.