No collapswashing

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Thématique précédente : #eau – #atmosphère – pollution air

Thématique en cours : #greenwashing

Résultats pour:
Cheryl Harrison, Kim Scherrer, Ryan Heneghan, Tyler Rohr


In Europe, a large-scale war could cause the Baltic Sea to freeze over and severely compromise food security – potentially for decades and even centuries to come. An ever-growing body of work has shown that even a local nuclear conflict could usher in a climate catastrophe. As marine scientists, we have considered what this could specifically mean for the world’s oceans. In 1982, a group of scientists including Carl Sagan began to raise the alarm on a climate apocalypse that could follow nuclear war. Using simple computer simulations and historic volcanic eruptions as natural analogues, they showed how smoke that lofted into the stratosphere from urban firestorms could block out the sun for years.

Les entrées thématiques de l’Observatoire :