La Pêche

OA - Liste

La pêche est l’activité consistant à capturer des animaux aquatiques munis de branchies (poissons, crustacés, mollusques bivalves, céphalopodes et gastéropodes, etc.) dans leur biotope (océans, mers, cours d’eau, étangs, lacs, mares). La définition exclut les animaux pulmonés, même aquatiques, pour lesquels on parlera de « chasse », telle que la chasse à la baleine, la chasse à la tortue, la chasse aux canards ou la chasse aux phoques. Source : wikipedia

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Action on climate change is arguably the greatest challenge for public policy of our times. But despite economic forces being the major driver of the carbon dioxide problem, this column argues that economists have so far been too silent on the subject. For example, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the most-cited journal in economics, has never published an article on climate change. Good economics can and should play a fundamental role in guiding the policy framework that will influence investment decisions in the coming years, so it is important that the profession dramatically increases its work now.