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As of February 22, over twenty Stand Up for Science protests are scheduled for March 7 throughout the United States. The protests are being organized by fellow scientists who are concerned about the Trump administration’s feelings and actions towards science (see Robles-Gil, 2025 in Science), includ
L’atome a le vent en poupe ? Peut-être mais cela reste à prouver. Selon le dernier rapport World Nuclear Industry Status Report, le nucléaire est désormais un marché de niche, dominé par deux pays.
Amper 6 landen ter wereld halen de luchtkwaliteitsnormen van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO). In slechts 3 procent van de steden blijft de luchtvervuiling binnen de perken. Dat is de conclusie van het jaarlijkse World Air Report van het Zwitserse bedrijf IQAIr.
The climate crisis has begun to disrupt human societies by severely affecting the very foundations of human livelihood and social organisation. Climate impacts are not equally distributed across the world: on average, low- and middle-income countries suffer greater impacts than their richer counterparts. At the same time, the climate crisis is also marked by significant inequalities within countries. Recent research reveals a high concentration of global greenhouse gas emissions among a relatively small fraction of the population, living in emerging and rich countries. In addition, vulnerability to numerous climate impacts is strongly linked to income and wealth, not just between countries but also within them.
Geen enkel land haalt de luchtkwaliteitsnormen van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, en slechts in 3 procent van de steden blijft de luchtvervuiling binnen de perken. Dat is de conclusie van het jaarlijkse World Air Report van het IQAIr.