Terre en vue !

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Chaque jour, nous transgressons les limites planétaires et détruisons nos conditions d’existence sur Terre. La pandémie, comme les catastrophes climatiques, sont autant de coups de semonce de la menace qui plane sur notre espèce. Pourtant, face au désespoir ambiant, nous avons le droit de rêver à un futur joyeux, et surtout les moyens de le concrétiser. Avec un nouveau plafond écologique et un vrai plancher social, nous pourrons apprendre à vivre sans tout détruire.

De nombreuses propositions sont déjà sur la table comme le Green New Deal, les Nouveaux Jours Heureux, le Pacte pour la Vie, etc. Mais toutes se heurtent aux limites actuelles de la politique, rarement convaincue par leur faisabilité. Ce plaidoyer défend une autre alternative, le Pacte social-écologique, qui place l’autonomie au centre, tout en réintégrant les limites de la Biosphère. Rassemblant Citoyens, État et Nature, il décrit comment mettre en place concrètement ce nouvel horizon, à tous les niveaux, afin de faire face aux multiples bouleversements de nos sociétés modernes. Mobilisons-nous, Citoyen, Citoyenne, pour participer à cette grande aventure, le plus important défi à relever pour l’humanité!

Cédric Chevalier est ingénieur de gestion et fonctionnaire de l’environnement détaché comme conseiller de gouvernement. Essayiste, il est l’auteur de nombreuses cartes blanches, analyses et d’un premier essai intitulé Déclarons l’État d’Urgence écologique, coécrit avec Thibault de La Motte, sorti début 2020 aux Éditions Luc Pire. Il a également contribué à l’ouvrage collectif À l’origine de la catastrophe, paru chez Les Liens qui Libèrent en 2020, sous la direction de Pablo Servigne et Raphaël Stevens.

Avant-Propos de Sarah Zamoun, activiste au sein de Rise for Climate

Préface d’Esmeralda de Belgique, journaliste, auteure et activiste pour l’environnement et les droits humains

Postface de Charlotte Luyck, philosophe, spécialiste de l’écophilosophie

Pour organiser une présentation / débat du livre ou prendre contact envoyez vos coordonnées à : terreenvue[@]cedricchevalier.eu

Interview par Anne-Sophie Bruyndonckx de Cédric Chevalier pour son livre "Terre en Vue".
Préface d'Esmeralda de Belgique. Les catastrophes climatiques et la pandémie de Covid-19 sont analysées comme des manifestations des limites d'habitabilité des écosystèmes de la Terre. Leur irruption sur la scène politique invite à élargir le contrat social à la biosphère en signant un pacte social écologique.

Earth just had the hottest September on record – and by a record-breaking margin, according to leading international datasets which are used by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for its State of the Global Climate monitoring reports.
Bonn and Geneva, 6 September 2023 (ECMWF and WMO) - Earth just had its hottest three months on record, according to the European Union-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) implemented by ECMWF. Global sea surface temperatures are at unprecedented highs for the third consecutive month and Antarctic sea ice extent remains at a record low for the time of year.
The UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings for All Initiative (EW4All) is rapidly gaining ground. Action plans are being rolled out around the world to ensure that people know when dangerous weather is headed their way. Tajikistan has held a two-day national consultation, co-chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and the UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan, and bringing together key stakeholders from state and international organizations, media and civil society. Ethiopia also held an inception workshop.
According to ERA5 data from the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the first three weeks of July have been the warmest three-week period on record and the month is on track to be the hottest July and the hottest month on record. These temperatures have been related to heatwaves in large parts of North America, Asia and Europe, which along with wildfires in countries including Canada and Greece, have had major impacts on people’s health, the environment and economies.
The world just had the hottest June on record, with unprecedented sea surface temperatures and record low Antarctic sea ice extent, according to a new report.
WMO's annual State of the Climate in Europe report explores changes in climate indicators, extreme events and climate policy.
WMO records biggest increase in methane concentrations since start of measurements
The publication provides a summary on the state of the climate indicators in 2021 including global temperatures trends and its distribution around the globe; most recent finding on Green House Gases concentration, Ocean indicators; Cryosphere with a particular emphasis on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, greenland ice sheet and glaciers and snow cover; Stratospheric Ozone; analysis of major drivers of inter-annual climate variability during the year including the El Niño Souther Oscillation and other Ocean and Atmshperic indices; global precipitation distribution over land; extreme events including those related to tropical cyclones and wind storms; flooding, drought and extreme heat and cold events. The publication also provides most recent finding on climate related risks and impacts including on food security, humanitarian and population displacement aspects and impact on ecosystems.
There is a 50:50 chance of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.5 °C above the pre-industrial level for at least one of the next five years – and the likelihood is increasing with time, according to a new climate update issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
With global warming intensifying the water cycle, floods and droughts are increasing, and many countries are unprepared.
There is about a 40% chance of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level in at least one of the next five years – and these odds are increasing with time, according to a new climate update issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There is a 90% likelihood of at least one year between 2021-2025 becoming the warmest on record, which would dislodge 2016 from the top ranking, according to the Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update, produced by the United Kingdom’s Met Office, the WMO lead centre for such predictions.