Prof James Hansen says pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, though other scientists disagree
The world’s addiction to fossil fuels is a “Frankenstein’s monster sparing nothing and no one”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, told leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday. “Our fossil fuel addiction is a Frankenstein’s monster, sparing nothing and no one. All around us, we see clear signs that the monster has become master,”
Wildfires that blazed around the world in 2024 helped to drive a record annual leap in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, surprising scientists. The data shows humanity is moving yet deeper into a dangerous world of supercharged extreme weather.
Thirteen of the ports with the highest supertanker traffic will be seriously damaged by just 1 metre of sea level rise, the analysis found. The researchers said two low-lying ports in Saudi Arabia – Ras Tanura and Yanbu – were particularly vulnerable. Both are operated by Aramco, the Saudi state oil firm, and 98% of the country’s oil exports leave via these ports.
Analysis shows fossil fuels are supercharging heatwaves, leaving millions prone to deadly temperatures
Average global temperature in November was 1.62C above preindustrial levels, bringing average for the year to 1.60C. Data for November from the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) found the average global surface temperature for the month was 1.62C above the level before the mass burning of fossil fuels drove up global heating. With data for 11 months of 2024 now available, scientists said the average for the year is expected to be 1.60C, exceeding the record set in 2023 of 1.48C.
Des émissions, des températures et une population record signifient que de plus en plus de scientifiques envisagent la possibilité d’un effondrement de la société, selon un rapport
Record emissions, temperatures and population mean more scientists are looking into possibility of societal collapse, report says
Melting of ice is slowing planet’s rotation and could disrupt internet traffic, financial transactions and GPS
Small increase in temperature of intruding water could lead to very big increase in loss of ice, scientists say
Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide
The contaminants have also recently been found in testes and semen amid concerns about falling male fertility
De jeunes militants pour le climat parlent de l’état de la politique dans le monde. Cette année, des élections ont lieu dans le monde entier, couvrant près de la moitié de la population mondiale. Il est également probable que cette année soit, une fois de plus, la plus chaude jamais enregistrée, alors que la crise climatique s’intensifie. Le Guardian a demandé à de jeunes militants pour le climat du monde entier ce qu’ils attendaient des élections et si la politique est efficace dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
This year elections are taking place across the globe, covering almost half of the world’s population. It is also likely to be, yet again, the hottest year recorded as the climate crisis intensifies. The Guardian asked young climate activists around the world what they want from the elections and whether politics is working in the fight to halt global heating.
Sudden cut in pollution in 2020 meant less shade from sun and was ‘substantial’ factor in record surface temperatures in 2023, study finds
Winter downpours also made 20% wetter and will occur every three years without urgent carbon cuts, experts warn
Human-caused climate crisis brought soaring temperatures across Asia, from Gaza to Delhi to Manila
Nous avons demandé à 380 climatologues de renom ce qu’ils pensaient de l’avenir… Ils sont terrifiés, mais déterminés à continuer à se battre. Exclusif : Une enquête menée auprès de centaines d’experts révèle une image terrifiante de l’avenir, mais ils préviennent que la lutte contre le changement climatique ne doit pas être abandonnée.
Climate scientists have told the Guardian they expect catastrophic levels of global heating. Here’s what that would mean for the planet
Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandoned
Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds
Scientists express concern over health impacts, with another study finding particles in arteries
Traduction - C’est une exclusivité : La réunion a eu lieu quelques jours après que BP a annoncé des bénéfices records, alors que les ménages devaient faire face à des factures d’énergie élevées.
Exclusive: Meeting took place days after BP reported record profits while households were squeezed by high energy bills
Total is 20% higher than thought and may have implications for collapse of globally important north Atlantic ocean currents The Greenland ice cap is losing an average of 30m tonnes of ice an hour due to the climate crisis, a study has revealed, which is 20% more than was previously thought. Some scientists are concerned that this additional source of freshwater pouring into the north Atlantic might mean a collapse of the ocean currents called the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc) is closer to being triggered, with severe consequences for humanity.
Oil cartel warns ‘pressure may reach a tipping point’ and that ‘politically motivated campaigns put our prosperity’ at risk
Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’
World Meteorological Organization says 2023 will be hottest year on record, leaving ‘trail of devastation and despair’
Saudi Arabia is driving a huge global investment plan to create demand for its oil and gas in developing countries, an undercover investigation has revealed. Critics said the plan was designed to get countries “hooked on its harmful products”. Little was known about the oil demand sustainability programme (ODSP) but the investigation obtained detailed information on plans to drive up the use of fossil fuel-powered cars, buses and planes in Africa and elsewhere, as rich countries increasingly switch to clean energy.
World Meteorological Organization sees ‘no end in sight to the rising trend’, largely driven by fossil fuel burning
Michael Mann, de l’université de Pennsylvanie aux États-Unis, fait partie des climatologues les plus en vue depuis qu’il a publié, en 1999, le célèbre graphique en forme de crosse de hockey, qui montre comment les températures mondiales ont grimpé en flèche au cours du siècle dernier. Pour comprendre la situation difficile dans laquelle nous nous trouvons aujourd’hui, Michael Mann a remonté l’histoire du climat de la Terre afin d’avoir une vision plus claire de notre avenir potentiel. « Nous disposons d’une période de 4 milliards d’années dont nous pouvons tirer des enseignements », a-t-il déclaré dans une interview au Guardian.
The renowned US scientist’s new book examines 4bn years of climate history to conclude we are in a ‘fragile moment’ but there is still time to act
First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged
Extreme weather is ‘smacking us in the face’ with worse to come, but a ‘tiny window’ of hope remains, say leading climate scientists
Heatwaves, wildfires and floods are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’, leading climate scientists say
Exclusive: Long list of ‘sensitive’ topics for petrostate include oil and gas production, emissions and Yemen war crimes
A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis
Le pic de plutonium dans les sédiments des lacs canadiens marque l’aube d’une nouvelle ère où l’humanité domine la planète. Les scientifiques ont choisi le site qui représentera le début de l’ère de l’Anthropocène sur Terre. Il marquera la fin de 11 700 ans d’un environnement planétaire stable dans lequel l’ensemble de la civilisation humaine s’est développée et le début d’une nouvelle ère, dominée par les activités humaines. Le site est un lac d’effondrement situé au Canada. Il abrite des sédiments annuels présentant des pics clairs dus à l’impact colossal de l’humanité sur la planète à partir de 1950, du plutonium provenant des essais de la bombe à hydrogène aux particules issues de la combustion des combustibles fossiles qui ont arrosé le globe.
Plutonium spike in Canadian lake sediments marks dawn of new epoch in which humanity dominates planet
World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis...