Victor Court

OA - Liste


Pourquoi l’effondrement pourrait être beaucoup plus proche que prévu : que se passe-t-il lorsque le cœur de l’océan Atlantique s’arrête de battre ?
The Atlantic Ocean's most vital ocean current is showing troubling signs of reaching a disastrous tipping point. Oceanographer Stefan Rahmstorf tells Live Science what the impacts could be.
We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis. For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. 2020).
With current policies the Earth is on track to a warming of around 3 °C above preindustrial temperatures, a level of heat our planet has not seen for millions of years. Ecosystems, human society and infrastructure are not adapted to these temperatures. Due to non-linear effects, the impacts will be much more severe than just three times as bad as after 1 °C of warming. Land areas will continue to warm much more than the global average, many regions twice as much or even more. Extreme heat will become far more frequent and a major cause of human mortality, making large parts of the tropical land area essentially too hot to live. In addition, extreme rainfall and flooding, droughts, wildfires and harvest failures will increase in frequency and severity. The destructive power of tropical cyclones will also increase. Sea-level rise will accelerate further, and the destabilization of ice sheets will commit our descendants to loss of coastal cities and island nations. The risk of crossing devastating and irreversib


The growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate changes must compel political and economic action on emissions.


La menace croissante de changements climatiques abrupts et irréversibles doit contraindre à une action politique et économique sur les émissions.