Vincent Liégey

OA - Liste



The Center for Countering Digital Hate put out a new report a few days ago, in which they warn that climate misinformation continuous to flourish on YouTube. They want YouTube to take more action. I had a look and I don't like what I read.


How close is nuclear fusion to break-even? If you trust the headlines we're getting close and the international project ITER is going to be the first to produce energy from fusion power. But not so fast. Scientists have, accidentally or deliberately, come to use a very misleading quantity to measure their progress. Unfortunately we're much farther away from generating fusion power than the headlines suggest. "Donc, si tout va bien, l'EROEI d'ITER sera de 0,4 ou 0,5 pour 1 - encore plus minable qu'un biocarburant basé sur les algues. " - Philippe Gauthier