Bombes Climatiques

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New studies suggest global warming boosts natural methane releases, which could undermine efforts to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas from fossil fuels and agriculture.
High-level policy discussions have built momentum for “food system transformation” that would help farmers address the climate crisis.
Misinformation by fossil fuel companies is slowing down the energy transition and global efforts to tackle climate change, warns the UN.
We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.
Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally, according to the first edition of a new systematic annual review.
Adapt2climate est un site développé par la Commission Nationale Climat dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Plan National Adaptation. Ce portail national vise à mettre à disposition les informations disponibles concernant les incidences des changements climatiques, les évaluations de vulnérabilité et l’adaptation en Belgique.
Coal and gas exports expected to remain roughly at current level until at least 2035 with 4.5% of emissions linked to Australia, report finds
Ter gelegenheid van de Global Climate Strike roepen Youth for Climate, Rise for Climate, Grootouders voor het Klimaat politieke leiders op om sociaal-rechtvaardige klimaatmaatregelen te nemen. De wereldwijde klimaatstakingen, in 2019 gelanceerd door Fridays For Future op initiatief van Greta Thunberg, brengen jongeren, burgers en organisaties van over de hele wereld samen om zich te verzetten tegen de vernietiging van het klimaat en ecosystemen.
Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco experienced extreme heat in July 2024, causing at least 23 fatalities, widespread wildfires and bringing public life to a hold.
UN says a global ‘backlash’ against climate action is being stoked by fossil fuel companies

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