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L’équation de Kaya

« Dans la quête aux réductions d’émissions de CO2, on parle régulièrement de différents leviers : démographie,
décroissance, sobriété, efficacité énergétique ou encore mix énergétique. Pour comprendre l’impact de chacun de
ces termes, il est commode de se servir de l’équation de Kaya. Cette équation, que l’on doit à l’économiste japonais
Yoichi Kaya, décompose les émissions de CO2 énergétiques (donc qui proviennent de la consommation d’énergie)
selon une formule mathématique qui n’est qu’une tautologie, mais qui donne un axe de lecture intéressant. Dans
« Environment, Energy, and Economy : strategies for sustainability« , il écrit en 1997 que la quantité de CO2
énergétique émise dans l’atmosphère est égale à l’intensité carbone de l’énergie, multipliée par l’intensité
énergétique du PIB, multipliée par le PIB par habitant, multiplié par la population. » … Simon Yaspo.

The climate emergency is exploding in various parts of the world this week, but climate silence inexcusably continues to rein in much of the United States media.
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative? Every person on Earth today is living in a crime scene. This crime has been going on for decades. We see its effects in the horrific heat and wildfires unfolding this summer in the American west; in the mega-storms that were so numerous in 2020 that scientists ran out of names for them...
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative?
We asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is. Their response was dispiriting
Today, all of humanity is under attack, this time from an overheated planet—and too many newsrooms still are more inclined to cover today’s equivalent of dance competitions. A handful of major newspapers are paying attention. But most news coverage, especially on television, continues to underplay the climate story, regarding it as too complicated, or disheartening, or controversial. Last month, we asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is; their response was dispiriting.
It's time to take on those who are sabotaging our response to the climate crisis—face to face.

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