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L’équation de Kaya

« Dans la quête aux réductions d’émissions de CO2, on parle régulièrement de différents leviers : démographie,
décroissance, sobriété, efficacité énergétique ou encore mix énergétique. Pour comprendre l’impact de chacun de
ces termes, il est commode de se servir de l’équation de Kaya. Cette équation, que l’on doit à l’économiste japonais
Yoichi Kaya, décompose les émissions de CO2 énergétiques (donc qui proviennent de la consommation d’énergie)
selon une formule mathématique qui n’est qu’une tautologie, mais qui donne un axe de lecture intéressant. Dans
« Environment, Energy, and Economy : strategies for sustainability« , il écrit en 1997 que la quantité de CO2
énergétique émise dans l’atmosphère est égale à l’intensité carbone de l’énergie, multipliée par l’intensité
énergétique du PIB, multipliée par le PIB par habitant, multiplié par la population. » … Simon Yaspo.

An investigation by conservationists has found evidence that deep-seabed mining of rare minerals could cause “extensive and irreversible” damage to the planet.The report, to be published on Monday by the international wildlife charity Fauna & Flora, adds to the growing controversy that surrounds proposals to sweep the ocean floor of rare minerals that include cobalt, manganese and nickel. Mining companies want to exploit these deposits – which are crucial to the alternative energy sector – because land supplies are running low, they say.
The excessive use of phosphorus is depleting reserves vital to global food production, while also adding to the climate crisis
Scientists are to pick a location that sums up the current Anthropocene epoch when Homo sapiens made its mark
Two of the UK’s leading hospitals have had to cancel operations, postpone appointments and divert seriously ill patients to other centres for the past three weeks after their computers crashed at the height of last month’s heatwave.
Blistering heatwaves are just the start. We must accept how bad things are before can we head off global catastrophe, according to a leading UK scientist.
The IPCC is unequivocal: we must take urgent action to curb global heating and prevent catastrophe. Will our policymakers and the Cop26 conference be up to the task?
The scientist who has borne the full brunt of attacks by climate change deniers, including death threats and accusations of misappropriating funds, is set to hit back.
The scientist who has borne the full brunt of attacks by climate change deniers, including death threats and accusations of misappropriating funds, is set to hit back.
This exposé of the coterie of rightwing scientists hell-bent on destroying the cause of environmentalism is outstanding

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