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Aan de Britse tankstations staan er ellenlange files. De oorzaak? Te weinig truckchauffeurs om rond te rijden met tankwagens. Hoe groot is het probleem? Hoe is het zo ver kunnen komen? En wat betekent dit voor de toekomst? Frank Moreels, voorzitter van de Europese transportarbeidersbond geeft uitleg in "Laat".
If Earth had a pulse, it might be The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a swirl of ocean currents that carries tropical heat north towards polar waters. Over the past century this global heartbeat has eased, slowing to a speed not seen in more than a millennium. New research based on a range of indices has now bolstered views that the weakening isn't a trivial one, and critical transition is imminent.