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The year 2024 wasn’t just another chapter in the unfolding climate saga; it felt like the plot twist no one wanted to believe. For decades, climate scientists warned of ifs — if we pass this tipping…
As the world’s largest gathering of Earth and space scientists swarmed a Washington venue last week, the packed halls have been permeated by an air of anxiety and even dread over a new Donald Trump presidency that might worsen what has been a bruising few years for science.
The climate and ecological crisis poses an unprecedented challenge, with scientists playing a critical role in how society understands and responds. This study examined how 27 environmentally concerned scientists from 11 countries construct the future in the context of climate change, applying a critical discursive psychology analysis. The degree to which the future is constructed as predetermined or transformable impacts both the urgency and scope of proposed actions. ...
Experts warn that mirror bacteria, constructed from mirror images of molecules found in nature, could put humans, animals and plants at risk of lethal infections
Science et conscience. Dans un vigoureux manifeste publié au Seuil, les Scientifiques en rébellion détaillent les raisons de leur passage à l’action et enjoignent leurs pairs à sortir d’une prétendue «neutralité» et désobéir avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
AMOC collapse would bring severe global climate repercussions, with Europe bearing the brunt of the consequences.
As a six-year investigation into the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica wraps up, the scientists involved are pessimistic for the future of this glacier and the consequences for sea level rise
L’hebdomadaire britannique “New Scientist” fait sa une sur une promesse enthousiasmante concernant une maladie terrifiante : il s’agit aujourd’hui de vaincre la maladie d’Alzheimer grâce à la vaccination. Des essais sont en cours.
The net zero approach of the Paris agreement has become detached from reality as it increasingly relies on science fiction levels of speculative technology.
Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally, according to the first edition of a new systematic annual review.
Paranthropes, australopithèques, néandertaliens… Plus nous en apprenons sur les homininés, plus il devient difficile de définir ce qu’est un être humain, relève “New Scientist”.
The story of Greenland keeps getting greener—and scarier. A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center—not just the edges—of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past and the now-ice-covered island was then home to a green, tundra landscape.
À la veille des élections, des scientifiques mènent des actions dans la capitale pour alerter sur les risques climatiques. Les rapports alarmants sur le climat se multiplient, mais le monde politique n’en tient pas suffisamment compte aux yeux des scientifiques. Pour mieux se faire entendre, des chercheurs et académiques belges et internationaux ont donc décidé, en cette veille d’élections, d’opter pour la désobéissance civile.
Ce matin une vingtaine de scientifiques ont bloqué les entrées de la Commission européenne afin de réclamer la décroissance vue comme “la seule option pour sortir de l’impasse sociale et environnementale”
Human-caused climate crisis brought soaring temperatures across Asia, from Gaza to Delhi to Manila
Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandoned
Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds
If the anomaly does not stabilise by August, ‘the world will be in uncharted territory’, says climate expert
Over the past year, there has been a vigorous debate among scientists – and more broadly – about whether global warming is “accelerating”.
An international team of scientists has warned against relying on nature providing straightforward 'early warning' indicators of a climate disaster, as new mathematical modeling shows new fascinating aspects of the complexity of the dynamics of climate. It suggests that the climate system could be more unpredictable than previously thought.