On the topic of climate and carbon reduction commitments, corporations like Google, Microsoft, and Shell once positioned themselves as leaders in sustainability, setting ambitious net-zero goals to align with global environmental efforts. However, the rapid rise of energy-hungry artificial intelligence is forcing these companies to reconsider—or even abandon—these commitments as they struggle to balance environmental responsibility and making money from new tech.
If modern societies are breaking down, is there a political movement ready to soften the collapse and begin anew? Or do we need new ideas and organisations for collective action? Might a local focus be the only meaningful approach as industrial consumer systems decline? Or is this a period that calls for greater international solidarity with those suffering the most? I think the conversations and initiatives in the Francophone world will provide us many insights on these questions, for a number of reasons, which I’ll come to in a moment.
“L’effondrement de nos sociétés modernes a commencé. Telle est la conclusion de deux années de recherches menées par l’équipe interdisciplinaire à l’origine de S’effondrer ensemble. Comment en est-…
Publié par Good Works de l’Institut Schumacher, S’effondrer ensemble: Vers l’écoliberté écrit par Jem Bendell, est désormais disponible. Yes, the French version of ‘Breaking Together’ is now available, published by Good Works, of The Schumacher Institute. Initialement sur Amazon, il sera disponible sur d’autres plateformes et dans les librairies d’ici novembre, et sera disponible en tant qu’epub gratuit au début de 2025. Je présenterai le livre fin octobre à Grenoble et/ou Genève. Initially, on Amazon, it will be available on other platforms and from book shops by November, and will be available as a free epub in early 2025. I will give a talk about it in Grenoble and/or Geneva in late October.
L'effondrement de nos sociétés modernes a commencé. Telle est la conclusion de deux années de recherches menées par l'équipe interdisciplinaire à l'origine de S’effondrer ensemble. Comment en est-on arrivé là ? Du fait des systèmes économiques et monétaires dominants, qui nous ont poussés à nous détruire mutuellement et à détruire la nature, à un point tel qu'ils ont brisé les fondements de nos sociétés. Mais alors, que faire ?
Traduction ... Le climatologue Wolfgang Knorr est une voix inhabituelle dans cette cacophonie, car il a dénoncé la science climatique elle-même et la manière dont elle est communiquée. Son point de vue n’a pas trouvé d’adeptes fortunés ni de plateformes grand public, et sa voix n’a donc pas été beaucoup entendue, c’est pourquoi je tiens à la porter à votre attention ici.
Mainstream media are ignoring a scientist who is whistleblowing the climate profession. During the five years since new kinds of activism brought the climate issue into the headlines like never before, the topic has more clearly become one where people respond due to their preexisting worldviews. It’s not just believers and sceptics, but there are those who think technology can save us, those who think it’s too late; those who think the science is clear, others who think it is open; those who believe humans will muddle through and those predicting human extinction. Climate scientists themselves now range from those emphasizing ‘we can do this’ to those that express their grief and outrage by gluing themselves to buildings. Meanwhile, misleading narratives are amplified by a variety of vested interests, including fossil fuels, nuclear, and clean tech. Climatologist Dr Wolfgang Knorr is an unusual voice in this cacophony because he has been ‘blowing the whistle’ on the climate science itself and how it is being
There was an interesting interview with Gavin Schmidt recently. He is one of the most senior climatologists in the world, heading up NASA’s department on climate science. Refreshingly, unlike the other senior climatologists, he didn’t sidestep how recent weather was not predicted by mainstream climatology. He told the American science celebrity Neil deGrasse Tyson that climatology significantly underpredicted current warming. He said there was “total failure” to predict what happened in 2023. See for yourself, for 3 minutes from 4 minutes in. Gavin is one of the more approachable of the senior climatologists. He provided specific written criticisms of my 2018 Deep Adaptation paper. That was in stark contrast to others who misrepresented it, and me, so as to discourage people from considering that the party is over for modern societies.
Last year I was fortunate enough to be joined by four remarkable women in the British environmental movement. We were speaking at a Deep Adaptation conference in Glastonbury. The way the discussion…
Afin d’évoquer en détail le travail de recherche de Sonya Djemni-Wagner sur son étude « droit(s) des générations futures » publiée à L’Institut des Etudes et de la Recherche sur le Droit et la Justice (IERDJ), notre invitée, aux multiples casquettes (magistrate, inspectrice générale de la justice, déléguée au développement stratégique de l’IERDJ, et autrice de l’étude), répond à l’articulation de ce(s) droit(s) avec les droits des générations présentes, mais aussi avec des droits phares de notre panel juridique et, dans un second temps, à son application concrète.
the biophysical limits of food production are being reached. Second, current food production systems are actively destroying the very resource base upon which they rely. Third, the majority of food production and all its storage and distribution is critically dependent upon fossil fuels, not only making the food supply vulnerable to price and supply instability, but also presenting an impossible choice between food security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fourth, climate change is already negatively impacting the food supply and will do so with increasing intensity as the Earth continues to warm and weather destabilises. Fifth, the trajectory of increasing food demand that cannot easily be reversed. Sixth, the prioritisation of economic efficiency and profit in world trade has undermined food sovereignty and the resilience of food production at multiple scales, making both production and distribution highly vulnerable to disruptive shocks. Considered individually, each one of the hard trends presents a
The collapse of modern societies has already begun. That is the conclusion of two years of research by the interdisciplinary team behind Breaking Together. How did it come to this? Because monetary systems caused us to harm each other and nature to such an extent it broke the foundations of our societies. So what can we do? This book describes people allowing the full pain of our predicament to liberate them into living more courageously and creatively.
This is an essay that responds critically to the widely read essay in the New York Times that appears to be calming the nerves of climate professionals here at COP27 and beyond....
More climate scientists say emissions cuts are not enough and we face imminent catastrophe unless deliberately altering the climate. What are the options and challenges? Jem Bendell interviewed Dr Ye Tao who is proposing we use massive amounts of mirrors to reduce harm in the short term.
Door de klimaatopwarming krijgt Jemen te maken met intense droogtes én zware overstromingen. Duizenden jaren geleden beschermde een netwerk van aquaducten en reservoirs de havenstad Aden tegen beide.
Et s’il était désormais impossible d’empêcher un emballement climatique et donc d’éviter un effondrement sociétal ? C’est le constat du mouvement d’origine anglaise Deep Adaptation (Adaptation Radicale), qui arrive maintenant en France. Ce jeune mouvement est né après la publication d’un article de Jem Bendell, professeur d’université sur le développement durable à l’université de Cumbria (Grande-Bretagne).
In 2018, a climate paper by Jem Bendell went viral, being downloaded over a million times. It helped to launch a worldwide movement of people seeking to reduce harm in the face of societal disruption and collapse. In this interview for Facing Future TV, Jem explains the concept of Deep Adaptation, how he developed the idea, what it means in practice, what he says to critics, and what his new book on the topic is about.
Deep adaptation’ refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for – and live with – a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives.
Quand un sceptique se plonge dans la littérature sur le changement climatique et qu'il en sort si convaincu qu'il publie un article fondateur : Adaptation Radicale. En deux ans, Jem Bendell et ses propositions sont devenus des inspirations centrales pour des mouvements internationaux , comme Extinction Rebellion et Deep Adaptation. Nous avons organisé un entretien croisé avec Pablo Servigne. Rencontre entre deux figures de la pensée de l'effondrement.