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17 avril 2024

La compagnie aérienne Alaska Airlines a temporairement immobilisé tous ses appareils aux Etats-Unis à la suite d'un appel de la Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), l'autorité aéronautique américaine. La raison de cette décision n'est pour l'heure pas publique.

30 juillet 2023

The baby boomer dream of tanning on the beach is fading as temperatures rise. We are going to have to reinvent July and August.

09 juin 2023

06 septembre 2021

Researchers examined the economic cost of the climate crisis and found it would cut about 37% from global GDP this century, more than twice the drop experienced in the Great Depression. For every tonne of carbon dioxide emitted, the global economy would be $3,000 worse off by the end of the century, they estimated.

27 juillet 2021

American Airlines a prévenu lundi que des retards de livraison de kérosène pourraient gêner ses opérations comme celles des pompiers luttant contre les incendies, et a demandé en conséquence à ses pilotes de limiter leur consommation de carburant.

09 juin 2021

InfluenceMap, a think tank that monitors corporate lobbying around climate change, reveals: while the 10 European airlines looked at for this report have received around €30 billion in bailouts during the pandemic – some of which came with conditions attached to encourage climate-friendly actions – most have simultaneously lobbied to delay new proposals to cut aviation emissions.

31 mai 2021

Major airlines have claimed in recent years that they can offset emissions by supporting forest conservation projects, yet a new investigation reveals that the systems used are deeply flawed. One of the main offset accreditors, Verra, whose ‘avoided’ deforestation scheme is criticised in the investigation for lacking credibility

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