2023 GIEC synthèse

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A propos du rapport de synthèse du GIEC – mars 2023


The effect of increasing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on global average surface air temperature might be expected to be constant, but this is not the case. A study published in the journal Science shows that carbon dioxide becomes a more potent greenhouse gas as more is released into the atmosphere.
Without a phase out of fossil fuels, by 2100, 1 in 12 hospitals worldwide will be at high risk of total or partial shutdown from extreme weather events — a total of 16,245 hospitals. Without a phase out of fossil fuels, all of these 16,245 hospitals will require adaptation, where suitable. Even with this enormous investment, for many, relocation will be the only option.
«La question est de savoir si une civilisation peut mener une guerre implacable contre la vie sans se détruire elle-même, et sans perdre le droit d’être appelée civilisée.»