2023 GIEC synthèse

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A propos du rapport de synthèse du GIEC – mars 2023


Biotech firms are using climate goals opportunistically in an attempt to force through the deregulation of genetically modified crops.
New path to transition away from fossil fuels marred by lack of finance and loopholes COP28 in Dubai sends an important signal on the end of fossil fuels but leaves more questions than answers on how to ensure a fair and funded transition that is based on science and equity
Découvrez le Sommet Climate Chance Europe 2024 à Liège, un événement clé sur la résilience climatique et les solutions basées sur la nature.
Nu de VN-klimaattop in Dubai zijn tweede week is ingegaan, neemt de druk toe om in het akkoord te praten over een geleidelijke afbouw van fossiele brandstoffen. Maar ook de tegenstand tegen dat idee groeit, met oliestaat Saudi-Arabië op kop.
Humanity faces ‘devastating domino effects’ including mass displacement and financial ruin as planet warms
Referring to the Paris Agreement’s target of keeping Earth from warming no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius since the Industrial Revolution, the number has become a rallying cry for climate advocates and scientists, who say the goal is humanity’s best bet on avoiding the most catastrophic outcomes of climate change by the end of the century. Venturing even 0.5 degrees past that threshold could drastically increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather, biodiversity loss, famine and water scarcity, as well as make it more likely that tipping points accelerate warming further, climate scientists say.
‘We need you,’ says Scientist Rebellion, which includes authors of IPCC reports on climate breakdown, as diplomats meet for Cop28
The effect of increasing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on global average surface air temperature might be expected to be constant, but this is not the case. A study published in the journal Science shows that carbon dioxide becomes a more potent greenhouse gas as more is released into the atmosphere.
Without a phase out of fossil fuels, by 2100, 1 in 12 hospitals worldwide will be at high risk of total or partial shutdown from extreme weather events — a total of 16,245 hospitals. Without a phase out of fossil fuels, all of these 16,245 hospitals will require adaptation, where suitable. Even with this enormous investment, for many, relocation will be the only option.
Zondag 3 december gaat in Brussel-Noord om 13 uur de Klimaatmars door, terwijl in Dubai de COP28 van start gaat. Marc Alexander van de Climate Express stlt 12 minimale eisen die volledig moeten vervuld worden alvorens van een echt klimaatbeleid gesproken kan worden.
Dit is wat er op het spel staat op de VN-klimaattop in Dubai: een internationaal akkoord over de uitfasering van fossiele brandstoffen. Zal dat lukken, met een oliestaat die de klimaattop organiseert?
UN Climate Change News, 14 November 2023 – A new report from UN Climate Change finds national climate action plans remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Even with increased efforts by some countries, the report shows much more action is needed now to bend the world’s emissions trajectory further downward and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
World Meteorological Organization says 2023 will be hottest year on record, leaving ‘trail of devastation and despair’
Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide data from Hawaiian volcano more than double last decade’s annual average
Ziet u ook de bomen door het bos niet meer in de wirwar van klimaatrapporten, energiecijfers en CO2-concentraties? In aanloop naar de klimaattop in Dubai lijsten we de belangrijkste cijfers en trends voor u op.
A new paper published in the journal Science has warned that melting areas in the Arctic have become 'frontlines for resource extraction', describing it as a 'modern day gold rush'.
The State of the Cryosphere 2023 – Two Degrees is Too High report shows that all of the Earth’s frozen parts will experience irreversible damage at 2°C of global warming, with disastrous consequences for millions of people, societies, and nature. Confirming that just 2°C of global warming will trigger irreversible loss to Earth’s ice sheets, mountain glaciers and snow, sea ice, permafrost, and polar oceans, it updates the latest science and highlights the global impacts from cryosphere loss.
World Meteorological Organization sees ‘no end in sight to the rising trend’, largely driven by fossil fuel burning
La démission climatique, ou "climate quitting" consiste à démissionner pour dénoncer le manque d'efforts de son entreprise en matière de transition écologique. Un phénomène de plus en plus commun.
Finance needs of developing countries now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows Growing gap results from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages
Joint action is essential for planetary and human health Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations, political leaders, and health professionals to recognise that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible crisis and must be tackled together to preserve health and avoid catastrophe. This overall environmental crisis is now so severe as to be a global health emergency. The world is currently responding to the climate crisis and the nature crisis as if they were separate challenges. This is a dangerous mistake. The 28th UN Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change is about to be held in Dubai while the 16th COP on biodiversity is due to be held in Turkey in 2024. The research communities that provide the evidence for the two COPs are unfortunately largely separate, but they were brought together for a workshop in 2020 when they concluded: “Only by considering climate and biodiversity as parts of the same complex problem … can solutions be developed that avoid maladaptation and max
Annual Conference 2023 "THE FAILURE OF GREEN CAPITALISM: FINDINGS, OBJECTIONS, ALTERNATIVES"15 September 2023Chair: Sighard Neckel (Spokesperson DFG Humaniti...
De Europese Unie zal haar eigen energie- en klimaatdoelen niet halen op basis van de plannen die tot nog toe zijn ingediend. Dat blijkt uit een vernietigende doorlichting van Climate Action Network Europe, een koepel van milieuorganisaties.
Scientists warn of unlivable heat and food shortages after analyzing 35 planetary vital signs.
Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extreme climatic conditions because of escalating global temperatures caused by ongoing human activities that release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, time is up. We are seeing the manifestation of those predictions as an alarming and unprecedented succession of climate records are broken, causing profoundly distressing scenes of suffering to unfold. We are entering an unfamiliar domain regarding our climate crisis, a situation no one has ever witnessed firsthand in the history of humanity.
the starkest warning yet that human activity is pushing Earth into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to 6 billion people this century, stating candidly: “We are afraid of the uncharted territory that we have now entered.” Writing in the journal Biosciences, the coalition of 12 researchers, spanning North America, Europe and Asia, state in unusually stark language: “As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth about the crises we face in simple and direct terms. The truth is that we are shocked by the ferocity of the extreme weather events in 2023.”
Ocean-driven melting of floating ice-shelves in the Amundsen Sea is currently the main process controlling Antarctica’s contribution to sea-level rise. Using a regional ocean model, we present a comprehensive suite of future projections of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea. We find that rapid ocean warming, at approximately triple the historical rate, is likely committed over the twenty-first century, with widespread increases in ice-shelf melting, including in regions crucial for ice-sheet stability. When internal climate variability is considered, there is no significant difference between mid-range emissions scenarios and the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement. These results suggest that mitigation of greenhouse gases now has limited power to prevent ocean warming that could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The authors use a regional ocean model to project ocean-driven ice-shelf melt in the Amundsen Sea. Already committed rapid ocean warming drives increased melt, regard
Exclusive: UK climate campaign group Possible calls for ‘polluter pays’ tax based on vehicle size
Dans ce document explicatif court et facile à lire, nous analysons les effets du changement climatique sur la paix et la sécurité.
UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists
Catastrophic climate change and the collapse of human societies By Josep Peñuelas, Sandra Nogué National Science Review, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2023 The scientific community has focused the agend…
The renowned US scientist’s new book examines 4bn years of climate history to conclude we are in a ‘fragile moment’ but there is still time to act
Dr. Michael E. Mann is Presidential Distinguished Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania, with a secondary appointment in the Annenberg School for Communication. He is director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media (PCSSM). Dr. Mann received his undergraduate degrees in Physics and Applied Math from the University of California at Berkeley, an M.S. degree in Physics from Yale University, and a Ph.D. in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University. His research interests include the study of Earth's climate system and the science, impacts and policy implications of human-caused climate change.
An independent think tank producing data-driven analysis on how business and finance are impacting the climate crisis
De Europese Unie gebruikt heffingen op CO2-uitstoot om een gaspijplijn in Roemenië te financieren. Brussel beweert dat het project de uitstoot zal verminderen in vergelijking met steenkool, maar critici veroordelen de beslissing.
Le fonctionnement de l’économie mondiale repose encore massivement sur les combustibles fossiles, qui nous tuent littéralement. Il est non seulement impératif de refuser tout nouvel investissement dans l’infrastructure fossile, mais il faut également fermer et déconstruire l’infrastructure fossile existante.
California has sued five of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, alleging that they engaged in a 'decades-long campaign of deception' about climate change and the risks posed by fossil fuels.
Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say
First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged
To prevent catastrophe, these countries must stop new extraction projects n: Just 20 countries, led overwhelmingly by the United States, Canada and Russia, are responsible for nearly 90 percent of new greenhouse gas emissions threatened by new oil and gas fields and fracking wells planned between now and 2050. If these extraction projects are allowed to proceed, they will lock in climate chaos and an unlivable future.
Daily Sea Surface Temperature
Study highlights conflict between Washington’s claims of climate leadership and its fossil fuel growth plans
Ce 27 février, 40 militant·es d'Attac, Extinction Rebellion et Youth for Climate bloquent l'entrée et visitent l'intérieur du ministère de l'Économie et des Finances pour exiger l'annulation des dettes des…
Access to robust and current information is essential for ensuring evidence-based policy and practice and identifying research gaps. For these purposes, more than 90 authors from about 30 national public authorities and institutions contributed to a comprehensive synthesis of the current evidence in Germany, published as 14 articles in the Journal of Health Monitoring.
Het burgercollectief Rise for Climate Belgium doet een oproep om op 17 september; Autoloze zondag, te betogen in Brussel voor het "geleidelijk maar snel" afstappen van fossiele brandstoffen. Dat zegt Kim Lê Quang, voorzitter van het burgercollectief.
Whilst fossil fuel companies' history of climate denial is common knowledge, there are still a worrying number of revolving door cases between fossil fuel companies and our EU politicians, Martha Myers writes.
Lancet study finds 'green growth' policies fall far short of what's needed to prevent dangerous change…