2023 GIEC synthèse

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A propos du rapport de synthèse du GIEC – mars 2023


Plus d’un millier de scientifiques spécialistes du climat exhortent le public à devenir des activistes Nous avons besoin de vous », déclare Scientist Rebellion, qui comprend les auteurs des rapports du GIEC sur les changements climatiques, alors que les diplomates se réunissent dans le cadre de la Cop28.
‘We need you,’ says Scientist Rebellion, which includes authors of IPCC reports on climate breakdown, as diplomats meet for Cop28
UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists
Andreas Malm says he has no hope in ‘dominant classes’, and urges more radical approach to climate activism.
Six KCs among more than 120 mostly English lawyers to sign pledge not to act for fossil fuel interests