8 mars

OA - Liste

vers la Une

A l’occasion de la « Journée internationale des femmes » (définition ONU) ou de la journée célébrant les combats pour les droits des femmes, voici une liste (non-exhaustive) de signatures féminines référencées par l’Observatoire dans le cadre des thématiques traitées dans notre veille documentaire:


Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
Le premier ministre suédois a ratifié jeudi l’entrée de son pays dans l’alliance militaire créée en 1949.
Le dimanche 9 juin, dans 100 jours, les électeurs prendront, en Belgique, le chemin des bureaux de vote pour un scrutin multiple : fédéral, régional et européen. Pour quoi votera-t-on ?
Le discours de politique générale de Gabriel Attal n’aura pas réussi à répondre aux attentes des agriculteurs, alors que des annonces sont prévues en fin de semaine. En attendant, ce sont les industriels et distributeurs qui sont visés par les manifestants à coups de blocage et déversement de lisier. Lactalis, Leclerc et Savencia sont particulièrement ciblés, et ce n’est pas un hasard.


In 1987, the Montreal Protocol established a ban on substances responsible for destroying the ozone layer, which is essential for protection against the sun’s rays.
It’s obscene that the super-rich can criminalise protest, while they burn the world’s resources and remain untouched by the law, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
Volgens kinderrechtenorganisatie Save the Children is het aantal kinderen dat in drie weken tijd in Gaza is gedood, hoger dan het jaarlijkse aantal kinderen in alle conflictgebieden samen sinds 2019.
Ménagers, médicaux, plastiques ou électroniques, les déchets n'ont jamais été aussi présents : quel est le pays le plus générateur ?
The renowned US scientist’s new book examines 4bn years of climate history to conclude we are in a ‘fragile moment’ but there is still time to act
Zes Portugese jongeren tussen 11 en 24 jaar worden morgen (woensdag) gehoord door het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Ze klagen Europese regeringen aan voor de enorme bosbranden in Portugal in 2017. Ngo’s spreken van een historisch proces.
Ice-free summers inevitable even with sharp emissions cuts and likely to result in more extreme heatwaves and floods
Antarctica’s sea ice levels are plummeting as extreme weather events happen faster than scientists predicted
With the Montreal Protocol, life on Earth dodged a bullet we didn’t even know was headed our way.
Kinderen zijn de grootste dupe van de klimaatcrisis, maar tellen eigenlijk nauwelijks mee in de inspanningen tegen de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering. Dat zeggen Unicef, Save The Children en Plan International in een gezamenlijk rapport.
Current climate policies will leave more than a fifth of humanity exposed to dangerously hot temperatures by 2100, new research suggests. The paper, published in the journal Nature Sustainability, is entitled "Quantifying the Human Cost of Global Warming."
Savez-vous quel pourcentage de plastique a réellement été recyclé depuis son apogée ? Vous risquez de déchanter...
La viande est considérée comme l'aliment le plus polluant de tous. Mais est-elle vraiment le produit le plus gourmand en ressources ?
Far worse things than Covid are on the horizon, last week, a think tank called the Centre for Long-Term Resilience released a report into the most likely extreme risks that humanity faces, and what Britain in particular can do to prepare for them. Covid-19 has cost millions of lives and tens of trillions of dollars so far — but it could have been a lot worse. The extreme risks that the report is talking about range from those that kill 10% or more of the total human population, to those that kill every last one of us. And it suggests that the two most likely causes of a disaster of this magnitude are bioengineered pathogens, and artificial intelligence.
The fallout when the industry fails to act is still smaller than the rewards for pumping out more pollution


Elizabeth Kolbert writes about this week’s summit on biodiversity, where delegates will consider ambitious new conservation targets—even though the old ones have yet to be achieved.
A dramatic increase in funding for climate adaptation is needed to save millions of lives from “climate carnage”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has said. Climate adaptation includes preparing defences against rising floods, shelters against intensifying cyclones and emergency plans to protect people during worsening heatwaves and droughts. Guterres said only a small fraction of the required finance was given by rich nations to protect vulnerable people.
Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences
L’accession au trône anglais de Charles pourrait être positive pour la protection du climat. Il s’est engagé pour le climat et a même écrit un livre à ce sujet. Dans ce texte de janvier 2017, Charles a demandé que le réchauffement climatique soit présenté dans les prévisions météo à la télévision. Il a affirmé que les prévisions météorologiques devraient indiquer clairement que le réchauffement climatique est en partie responsable des inondations et des vagues de chaleur.
Agriculture has come a long way in the twenty-first century. From precision irrigation systems to face recognition in livestock to deploying drones for improved crop yield, emerging technologies are reinventing farm country. Whether it’s hyperspectral monitoring (scanning soils and plant health) or tracking cattle’s movement and health, computing advances are making new technologies – powered by data – readily accessible for agriculture. The revolution in agriculture is delivering savings along with improved productivity. It is also big business: precision agriculture is expected to grow to a $11.1 billion industry in the next five years.
La France est plongée depuis mercredi dans une vague de chaleur intense et précoce. La dernière manifestation d'un dérèglement du climat auquel les présentateurs météos sont confrontés au quotidien.
The electric car will be an important part of a green transition. But our main focus should be moving toward green collective mobility like public transportation and away from the dominance of personally owned cars.
If our next federal government wants to save the reef, it must tackle the main reason it is in trouble by phasing out fossil fuel use and exports as quickly as possible. Otherwise it’s like putting bandaids on an arterial wound.


The fundamental assumption underlying these beliefs is that economic growth can be “decoupled” from resource and ecological demands and impacts. That is, it is claimed that the rate of production and consumption can continue to increase while the resources needed to do this can be reduced to sustainable levels, along with the environmental damage it causes. It is disturbing that this tech-fix faith persists despite the mountain of evidence that it is wrong.
At COP26 this week, some of the world’s biggest corporate polluters sent huge delegations to proclaim the need for climate action. They’re presenting themselves as the new climate saviors, but averting disaster won’t come from those who make a profit from killing the planet.
Some economists have long argued that to really save the planet – and ourselves – from the climate crisis, we need a fundamental overhaul of the way our economies work. In this episode of The Conversation Weekly, we explore the ideas of the degrowth movement and their calls for a contraction in the world’s consumption of energy and resources. We also compare degrowth to other post-growth proposals for governments to reduce their fixation with economic growth.
Fried crickets on the school menu, milk made from fly larvae and mealworm bolognese for dinner? These are the environmentally friendly meals we can look forward to. Bon appetit!
The spread of electrical lighting is blocking out the stars and threatens the health of many species … including humans. Now our national parks plan to take back the night
Communications from young people give me optimism. Potential leaders among young people seem to have an ability to see the forest for the trees regarding climate change policy, a desire to follow the data, and a recognition of the need to address political polarization.
A Pandora’s box of environmental disasters has been opened, threatening the ability of the natural world to recover and humanity to survive. From devastating fires and storms to the emergence of deadly new viruses, it’s hard to deny the terrifying reality of climate change.
C’est l’unique centrale nucléaire d’un pays disparu. Lancée à l’époque yougoslave, la centrale de Krško est la seule au monde dont la gestion soit partagée entre deux États, la Croatie et la Slovénie. Son réacteur devait s’arrêter en 2023, mais Zagreb et Ljubljana ont prolongé sa durée de vie de vingt ans... Sans savoir comment stocker les déchets qui s’accumulent, dans une région à fort risque sismique.

