8 mars

OA - Liste

vers la Une

A l’occasion de la « Journée internationale des femmes » (définition ONU) ou de la journée célébrant les combats pour les droits des femmes, voici une liste (non-exhaustive) de signatures féminines référencées par l’Observatoire dans le cadre des thématiques traitées dans notre veille documentaire:


We have reviewed the first two chapters of the new book Limits and Beyond. The reviews can be found at The Yawning Gap (Chapter 1) and No More Growth (Chapter 2). In this post we take a look at the third chapter, written by Dennis Meadows, a co-author of the original Limits to Growth. Dr. Meadows reports that he has delivered over a thousand speeches to a very wide variety of audiences. In this chapter the author summarizes “19 of the most common questions, comments and objections” that he has received over the years. Some of his insights are as follows: