Bruno Latour

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« Comment prendre pour « réaliste » un projet de modernisation qui aurait « oublié » depuis deux siècles de prévoir les réactions du globe terraqué aux actions humaines ?

Comment accepter que soient « objectives » des théories économiques incapables d’intégrer dans leurs calculs la rareté de ressources dont elles avaient pourtant pour but de prévoir l’épuisement ?

Comment parler d’ »efficacité » à propos de systèmes techniques qui n’ont pas su intégrer dans leurs plans de quoi durer plus de quelques décennies ?

Comment appeler « rationaliste » un idéal de civilisation coupable d’une erreur de prévision si magistrale qu’elle interdit à des parents de céder un monde habité à leurs enfants ?  » Bruno Latour


Humanity is not on track to avoid the deadliest effects of climate change, according to University at Buffalo researcher Holly Jean Buck. "Our plans are not adequate to meet the goal of limiting the Earth's temperature increase to no more than 1.5℃ by 2050," said Buck, Ph.D., assistant professor of environment and sustainability....
Net-zero targets imply that continuing residual emissions will be balanced by carbon dioxide removal. However, residual emissions are typically not well defined, conceptually or quantitatively. We analysed governments’ long-term strategies submitted to the UNFCCC to explore projections of residual emissions, including amounts and sectors. We found substantial levels of residual emissions at net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, on average 18% of current emissions for Annex I countries. The majority of strategies were imprecise about which sectors residual emissions would originate from, and few offered specific projections of how residual emissions could be balanced by carbon removal. Our findings indicate the need for a consistent definition of residual emissions, as well as processes that standardize and compare expectations about residual emissions across countries. This is necessary for two reasons: to avoid projections of excessive residuals and correspondent unsustainable or unfeasible carbon-removal level