Bruno Latour

OA - Liste

« Comment prendre pour « réaliste » un projet de modernisation qui aurait « oublié » depuis deux siècles de prévoir les réactions du globe terraqué aux actions humaines ?

Comment accepter que soient « objectives » des théories économiques incapables d’intégrer dans leurs calculs la rareté de ressources dont elles avaient pourtant pour but de prévoir l’épuisement ?

Comment parler d’ »efficacité » à propos de systèmes techniques qui n’ont pas su intégrer dans leurs plans de quoi durer plus de quelques décennies ?

Comment appeler « rationaliste » un idéal de civilisation coupable d’une erreur de prévision si magistrale qu’elle interdit à des parents de céder un monde habité à leurs enfants ?  » Bruno Latour


Mexico and the Caribbean are experiencing the most intense heatwave in their recorded history. The Mexican Plateau is being seared by harsh dry heat, while the Caribbean contends with deadly humid temperatures. On June 12, 2023, the mercury soared above 45 °C (113 °F) in several areas, including regions of high altitude. The city of Torreón, sitting at 1 123 m (3 684 feet) above sea level, saw temperatures rise to 43.3 °C (109.94 °F) on June 12, while Durango Airport, located at 1 872 m (6 142 feet) altitude, experienced 40.4 °C (104.72 °F) heat. La Bufa, perched even higher at 2 612 m (8 570 feet) above sea level, broke all-time records with a temperature of 33.4 °C (92.12 °F).


A violent bomb cyclone affecting Iceland on February 7 and 8, 2022, produced hurricane-force winds and record-breaking waves at the southern coast of the country. One of the waves reached 40 m (131 feet) and blew off the scale, making it by far the highest measured wave off the coast of Iceland and among the highest ever measured in the world.


A fierce cold snap brought rare snow, icy rain, and strong winds to parts of southern Brazil on July 29 and 30, 2021. The event comes after several waves of destructive frost since mid-June.