Cédric Chevalier

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Le blog : Limite et transgression


Résultats pour:
Bob Berwyn


The new study shows that every increment of sea level rise will cover more than twice as much land as older models predicted, and marks another advance in providing more accurate models of rising seas


The climate talks are going into overtime with little progress toward the emissions cuts required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Three months before COP27, new research suggests the most ambitious climate pledges are also most credible.
Shallow deposits of frozen methane beneath oceans may be more vulnerable to thawing than previously known.


With global warming intensifying the water cycle, floods and droughts are increasing, and many countries are unprepared.
Scientists know that global warming is changing clouds, but they haven’t been sure whether those changes would heat or cool the planet overall. It’s an important question, because clouds have been the main source of uncertainty in projecting just how sensitive the climate is to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, and because clouds have a huge effect on the climate system.
New research suggests social transformations that prompt “degrowth” could cut humanity’s climate footprint in time to meet the Paris climate agreement target.

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