
OA - Liste

Alors que les stocks de combustible s’épuisent, la dissipation exubérante d’énergie liée aux économies fondées sur la croissance touche à sa fin. Quelles seront les répercussions politiques, économiques et sociales de cette nouvelle donne sur un système fondé sur une soif sans limites de ressources naturelles ?

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Résultats pour:
Neil Brown


Wheat is an important global crop, but new research suggests that fungal toxins have contaminated half of all European wheat produced for food. the widespread presence of vomitoxin in our food is concerning. It is not yet known how constant, low-level dietary exposure to mycotoxins can affect human health in the long term. This is compounded by the fact that one-quarter of the wheat contaminated with vomitoxin also contained other FHB mycotoxins, raising concerns of synergism, where toxins interact with each other and cause greater harm than the sum of the individual toxins acting alone.