
OA - Liste

Alors que les stocks de combustible s’épuisent, la dissipation exubérante d’énergie liée aux économies fondées sur la croissance touche à sa fin. Quelles seront les répercussions politiques, économiques et sociales de cette nouvelle donne sur un système fondé sur une soif sans limites de ressources naturelles ?

Résultats pour:
Lauren Holt


In the face of environmental collapse, humanity may need to turn to artificial replacements for nature – how might we avoid the most dystopian of these futures? Researcher Lauren Holt makes the case for a broader form of "offsetting" to help balance technology with natural systems.


An extreme technologically adapted future has not been defined in the literature. Such a future could be argued to be morally justifiable.However, a highly technologically mediated relationship with the biosphere introduces unique risks. These are likely to endanger humanity and future Earth-originating life-forms as well as creating moral hazard. An extreme technologically adapted future is therefore undesirable compared to restabilising the biosphere.