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Résultats pour:

septembre 2024

Arctic Sea ice reaches it's minimum extent each year around the middle of September. This year is one of the lowest in recorded history. Ocean temperatures have been so 'off the charts' in 2023 and 2024 that scientists fear those waters have reached their capacity to mop up after us humans and are now starting to release that energy. On our current trajectory, by 2100, our planet will reach a temperature not seen for 3 MILLION years!. So...what's the plan???

mai 2024

Rarement un homme comme Charles Gave aura été capable d'enchainer autant de mensonges en 30mn comme il l'a fait sur Thinkerview.

avril 2024

Oil in the North Sea is expected to be net-energy negative by 2031. This means that in 2031, it’ll cost more energy to extract the fossil fuels than we would gain by using them, rendering extraction unfeasibly expensive. Yet, rather than use our remaining years of access to these fuels to turbo-charge new energy infrastructure, fossil fuels are being extracted and burned for business as usual: quick cash. Around the world, the lights will go off in nations that don’t have back-up renewables. That’s most of them.

mars 2024

Le think tank de Jean-Marc Jancovici, publie ce jeudi 28 mars deux rapports invitant à prendre en compte l’objectif de réduction des émissions de carbone dans les choix technologiques et l’avènement des nouveaux usages.

décembre 2023

Serge Zaka, ingénieur agronome, docteur en agroclimatologie.
With the help of the contingency concept, the article explores the reasons behind these surprises by introducing a new category of threats that complements the ones in the existing literature on surprise. It adds the concept of ‘known—corporally unknown’ threats to the list of known-unknowns, unknown-unknowns as a way to emsphasize the difference between abstract knowledge of ‘facts and figures’ (of e.g., global warming) and the acquiring of knowledge through personal, bodily experience (tangere) (of flooding and draughts). T

octobre 2023

Resilience here, then, is not the naïve faith in riding the storm and putting the world back together more or less as it was, issue by issue, but recognising the necessity to fundamentally reorganise and reorient human society in ways that can allow human flourishing and ecological sustainability in symbiotic and mutually supportive relations of reciprocity and regeneration - and in a multiplicity of ways.

septembre 2023

An independent think tank producing data-driven analysis on how business and finance are impacting the climate crisis

juin 2023

Rishi Sunak has confirmed that a fossil fuel-funded think tank helped to draft his government’s laws targeting climate protests.

mai 2023

Le 26 février 2023, Aurore STÉPHANT, représentant l’association SystExt, a été interviewée dans l’émission Thinkerview. L’interview intitulée "Effondrement : notre civilisation au bord du gouffre ?" d’une durée de 03h02min, a été diffusée en direct sur YouTube. L'entretien porte sur cinq thématiques relatives à l’industrie minière et aux filières minérales.

avril 2023

Pierre Larrouturou, député européen.

février 2023

The world is at risk of descending into a climate “doom loop”, a thinktank report has warned. It said simply coping with the escalating impacts of the climate crisis could draw resources and focus away from the efforts to slash carbon emissions, making the situation even worse.

novembre 2022

We face so many concurrent threats that commentators have argued that we now face an unprecedented "polycrisis" – where multiple interacting global crises produce greater harms to the planet and humanity than those crises would produce in isolation. The Wellbeing Economy Alliance has argued that the current economic design is at the root cause of this polycrisis, and with good reason.
Methane emissions in the UK could be cut by more than 40% by 2030 with a raft of inexpensive policies, according to an environmental thinktank. The government has pledged to cut emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas that has more than 80 times the global heating power of CO2, by at least 30% by 2030. The move was trumpeted by Boris Johnson when he was prime minister after the UK joined more than 100 other countries to make the pledge at Cop26 in Glasgow.

septembre 2022

Voilà un fait assez rare pour être souligné : la France serait l’une des meilleures élèves du continent dans l’élimination progressive du plastique à usage unique. Chapeau bas. C’est du moins ce que l’on dirait si l’on se contentait de survoler le rapport, publié mercredi 21 septembre, par une coalition d’ONG appelée Rethink Plastic Alliance. En réalité, le pays a bel et bien voté des mesures antiplastique... mais elles sont peu appliquées.

juin 2022

Le 25 janvier 2022, Aurore STEPHANT, représentant l’association SystExt, a été interviewée dans l’émission Thinkerview. L’entretien, intitulé "L'effondrement : le point critique ?" d’une durée de 03h10min, porte sur plusieurs thématiques relatives aux mines et filières minérales.

mai 2022

Despite decades of studies and climate summits, greenhouse gas emissions continue to soar. Energy scientist Vaclav Smil says it’s time to stop ricocheting between apocalyptic forecasts and rosy models of rapid CO2 cuts and focus on the difficult task of remaking our energy system.
Climate tipping points in the Antarctica, the Arctic and the Amazon are at risk of being reached before or at the current level of global warming of 1.2 degrees Celsius, requiring a “major rethink” of global climate goals and the action necessary to achieve them, according to a recent report.
Emma Haziza est hydrologue, spécialiste de la résilience des territoires face aux risques climatiques extrêmes. Fondatrice de Mayane, centre de recherches appliquées dédié à l'adaptation climatique.