Etienne de Callataÿ

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La croissance verte est un mythe, et ce ne sont pas des militants anticapitalistes mais une équipe de chercheurs qui le dit. Ils ont publié les résultats de leur étude* dans la très sérieuse et renommée revue Lancet Planetary Health. Selon leurs calculs, mêmes les pays qui ont réussi à réduire leurs émissions tout en augmentant leur PIB comme la France sont loin du compte et n’atteindraient la neutralité carbone que dans 220 ans en moyenne. Rencontre avec Jefim Vogel, l’un de ses auteurs, chercheur à l’Université de Leeds.
Scientists have raised concerns about whether high-income countries, with their high per-capita CO2 emissions, can decarbonise fast enough to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement if they continue to pursue aggregate economic growth. Over the past decade, some countries have reduced their CO2 emissions while increasing their gross domestic product (absolute decoupling). Politicians and media have hailed this as green growth. In this empirical study, we aimed to assess whether these achievements are consistent with the Paris Agreement, and whether Paris-compliant decoupling is within reach.
Background Scientists have raised concerns about whether high-income countries, with their high per-capita CO2 emissions, can decarbonise fast enough to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement if they continue to pursue aggregate economic growth. Over the past decade, some countries have reduced their CO2 emissions while increasing their gross domestic product (absolute decoupling). Politicians and media have hailed this as green growth. In this empirical study, we aimed to assess whether these achievements are consistent with the Paris Agreement, and whether Paris-compliant decoupling is within reach.

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